Young Eliot

Young Eliot Read Free

Book: Young Eliot Read Free
Author: Robert Crawford
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    D’Annunzio, Gabriele
    Davidson, John
    Davidson, Thomas
    Davis, Hubert Henry
    Dawes, Samuel
    Day, Reverend John William
    de la Mare, Walter
    Debussy, Claude, Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien
    Delacroix, Henri
    Delsarte, François
    Demos, Raphael
    Deussen, Paul Jakob
    Dial (journal); TSE article ‘The Possibility of a Poetic Drama’; TSE article ‘The Second-Order Mind’; TSE article ‘Ulysses, Order, and Myth’; TSE wins the magazine’s $2,000 prize; TSE’s ‘London Letters’ in; TSE’s negotiations to publish The Waste Land in
    Dickens, Charles
    Diels, Hermann Alexander
    Dismorr, Jessica
    Dodds, Eric
    Dolmetsch, Arnold
    Donne, John
    Dostoevsky, Fyodor
    Dowden, Edward
    Dozier, Lewis
    Drinkwater, John
    Dryden, John
    Duchamp, Marcel
    Dudley, Dorothy
    Dudley, Helen
    Duncan, Isadora
    Dunne, Annie (TSE’s nanny)
    Durkheim, Émile
    East Coker, Somerset
    Egoist (journal); TSE becomes assistant editor of; Pound publishes ‘Drunken Helots and Mr Eliot’ in; plan to publishJoyce’s Ulysses in serial form; special issue memorialising Henry James; publishes ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’; demise of
    Egoist Press
    Elgar, Edward
    Eliot, Abigail Adams (TSE’s grandmother)
    Eliot, Abigail (TSE’s cousin)
    Eliot, Ada (TSE’s sister)
    Eliot, Andrew (ancestor)
    Eliot, Reverend Andrew (ancestor)
    Eliot, Charles William (Harvard President)
    Eliot, Charlotte Champe, ‘Lottie’ (TSE’s mother): death of daughter Theodora; birth of TSE; interests and education; family background; poetry of; religious inclinations; and TSE’s childhood; writes biography of William Greenleaf Eliot; anxiety for TSE’s health and social life; and St Louis World’s Fair (1904); on TSE’s education; reaction to TSE’s marriage; wish for TSE to have an academic career; visit to England
    Eliot, Charlotte (TSE’s sister)
    Eliot, Christopher Rhodes (TSE’s uncle)
    Eliot, Etta (TSE’s aunt)
    Eliot, Frederick (TSE’s cousin)
    Eliot, George
    Eliot, Henry (TSE’s brother): and TSE’s childhood; takes family photographs; and Student Life magazine; taste for Tin Pan Alley; on family’s conservatism; remembers TSE reading Milton as a child; at Harvard; partial deafness due to childhood illness; announces TSE’s marriage to the St Louis press; sympathetic to TSE over marriage; TSE’s correspondence with; financial support for TSE; sends family photographs to TSE; visit to England; on Garsington; on Vivien’s ill-health; congratulates TSE on The Waste Land
    Eliot, Henry Ware, ‘Hal’ (TSE’s father): family background; literary and artistic background; brick company; pride in his ancestry; house in Gloucester, Massachusetts; interest in natural science; attitude to sex education; and St Louis World’s Fair (1904); and TSE’s education; Ezra Pound writes to regarding TSE’s career; reaction to TSE’s marriage; concern for TSE after marriage; dislike of TSE’s move to England; financial support of TSE; helps TSE try to enrol for military service; dislike of Vivien; pride in TSE; death
    Eliot, Margaret (TSE’s sister)
    Eliot, Marion (TSE’s sister)
    Eliot, Martha (TSE’s cousin)
    Eliot, Mary (TSE’s aunt)
    Eliot, Samuel A.
    Eliot, Theodora (TSE’s niece): see Smith, Theodora Eliot
    Eliot, Thomas Lamb (TSE’s uncle)
    Eliot, Thomas Stearns:
    Childhood and education: birth and immediate family; family background; family home; plays in the girls’ school playground; relationships with girls; relationships with other children; experiences cyclone in St Louis; attends Mrs Lockwood’s school; summers in Gloucester, Massachusetts; sense of American history; early literary tastes; attends Smith Academy; ‘becomes’ T. S. Eliot; produces Fireside (first surviving literary work); earliest surviving verses; interest in actresses; attends Jacob

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