back outside the greenhouse and fixing Ivy with a conflicted look. “She won’t let me get close to her.”
“Join the club,” Michael said. “We’ve both tried, too.”
Jack shifted uncomfortably, proximity to Ivy causing his heart rate to speed up while he tried to focus on the task at hand. “Maybe I should try.”
“No,” Ivy said, immediately shaking her head.
“Why not? I might be able to get through to her.”
“I know you mean well, but she’s in shock or something,” Ivy said. “You’re too big. You’re going to scare her.”
“I’m too big?” Jack widened his eyes, incredulous.
“You know what I mean,” Ivy said. “You’re all muscles and broad shoulders. She’s scared and you’re physically intimidating. Plus, you’re wearing a red shirt and that can be taken as antagonistic to some people.”
“Thanks for the fashion critique, honey,” Jack said, using the affectionate nickname he’d adopted a few weeks before. She’d used it first without thinking. He’d opted to start using it to irritate her. Now he kind of liked it, and it slipped out even when he didn’t want it to. They really were in a weird spot in their relationship, and both of them were struggling to maintain even footing. Finding a disheveled and possibly abused teenage girl in the greenhouse wasn’t going to help the situation.
“Well, honey , you’re going to make her scream if you go in there, and that’s what we’re trying to avoid,” Ivy said.
Michael and Brian exchanged a look, one that wasn’t lost on Jack and Ivy. They were amused by the banter, enjoying the show even though bigger issues were weighing down on them.
“What do you suggest?” Jack asked, his hands landing on his narrow hips as he regarded Ivy. She really was aggravating … and hot … and she smelled delightful. He had no idea what the scent was, but it was going straight to his head.
“I don’t know,” Ivy replied primly. “I … .” She stuck her head back in the room for a moment, her eyes finding the shaking girl in the corner. “Okay, I have a plan.”
“I can’t wait to hear this,” Jack said.
Ivy ignored him. “Dad, I need you to go back to my house,” she said. “There’s some egg salad in the refrigerator. Make two sandwiches and grab the bag of broccoli in the bottom drawer. Bring a couple of bottles of water, too. She’s probably thirsty.”
“You’re going to bribe her with food?” Jack asked.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Michael said, not bothering to argue with Ivy’s order.
“I think I need to call for some paramedics,” Brian said. “She looks … rough.”
“Call Samantha Hobbes,” Ivy suggested.
“Why her?”
“She’s a woman.”
“Ivy, I know what you’re thinking,” Brian said. “I’m not ruling that out. We don’t know that she’s been hurt that way, though. Not yet.”
“I’m taking every precaution,” Ivy said. “Trust me. I hope she hasn’t been hurt that way. It’s going to make me really sad if it’s true … but we have to be careful either way.”
“Okay,” Brian said, giving in. “I’m going to let you take the lead – but only because I don’t know what else to do.”
“Every man in my life should always take that approach where I’m concerned,” Ivy sniffed.
Jack pursed his lips. “I agree,” he said after a moment. “I think we should start carrying you around on our shoulders and exalt your virtue and loveliness every chance we get.”
Ivy made a face. “You’re going to owe me a big apology when I’m right on this.”
“I’m looking forward to it, honey.”
IVY gripped the sandwich plate in her hand and pressed the bottles of water to her chest as she shuffled toward the back corner of the greenhouse twenty minutes later. She knew Brian – and more importantly, Jack – watched her from the doorway. She didn’t want to fail, and sadly, it wasn’t just because she wanted to help the girl. She also wanted to
Richard Hooker+William Butterworth