summer I interned in the northeast.”
He stepped closer and squinted, angling his head. A hand rose to the neckline of her blouse and loosened another button, his knuckles grazing the valley between her breasts.
Blood raced through her body, and she sucked in a breath, her chest pressing against his hand. Need tugged low in her belly, and her pussy tingled. Only tight control kept her from swaying forward. Her entire body ached for his touch.
His glance connected with hers, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. “Can’t see the whole design.” His hand moved up and eased the blouse and her bra strap over her shoulder. His gaze lowered to her upper chest. “Nice detailing.”
A rich herbal scent tickled her nose, and she swayed closer, only inches from his sculpted lips. What was it about this man that drew her? Made her want to go down on her hands and knees and howl like a she-wolf while he pummeled into her from behind? The moment the primal image crossed her mind, her breath quickened and her skin flushed.
Focus on the banter . She inhaled, and her eyelids drifted closed. She was losing the struggle against succumbing to his charm. Every heart beat thrummed need through her veins, a slow, steady pulsing that dampened her panties and kept her nipples ruched. “What else can you show me?”
The lightest of touches brushed her eyelids. “Not sure I can offer better than what you’re imagining.”
Her eyelids popped open, and she connected with his knowing dark gaze only inches away. A gaze that searched hers, making a connection that seemed to touch her soul. Her mouth dried and she swallowed hard. “The deal was sharing tats.”
“So it was.” A chuckle escaped his lips.
At the whisper of his hot breath across her cheek, she squared her shoulders to brush the tight buds of her nipples against the restraining bra. Jolts of sensation targeted her pussy lips, and she had to bite back a groan.
The scuff of his boots sounded against the concrete as he toed one off. He bent, stripped off his sock, and pushed up his jeans leg to expose a firm calf. A band of repeated symbols circled his lower leg.
Senna squatted at his side and cupped her hand around his rock-hard calf, rubbing her thumb over the markings. “A migration band.” Forcing her gaze to the tattoo, she tried to ignore the heat of his skin and the pull of his strength, the part of Chev that spoke to her as a woman. “Interesting choice.”
“More a statement of solidarity.” He ran a hand lightly over her hair and grazed her cheek before extending it, palm up. “What other treasures, uh, tattoos, will you display?”
With her hand clasped in his large one, she rose to her full height and gazed at his enticing bare chest—pecs taut and bulging, dotted with deep bronze disks. The skin was tight and smooth, marked only by an inch-long scar near his collarbone. Her question of how that happened could wait until another time. Now, she thought of her remaining half dozen tats, deciding which to unveil next. As she enjoyed the sight of his body, she loosened the rest of the buttons and eased her blouse down her arms.
Dark eyes widened with sexual heat, and his nostrils flared. His intent gaze roved her torso before meeting hers. “What should I be seeing?”
Disappointment curled in her stomach. She’d wanted to put them on more of an equal basis with the amount of bared skin but had definitely anticipated a different response. With a twist, she angled her right shoulder in his direction. “It’s here on my shoulder blade. A hummingbird done the summer I spent under Jake Bearclaw’s tutelage.”
A finger slid on her skin along the ridge of her shoulder, outlining the bird’s shape. “The green shimmers.”
Heat built along her skin under his touch. Unable to resist, she rolled her shoulder, prolonging the sensation created by a man’s callused hand on her body. “His trade secret—one he never shared.” Her words were breathless,
James Patterson, Andrew Gross