beauty: how to love—or at least cope with—the expectant skin you’re in, even when it’s blotchy, pimply, rashy, itchy, too oily, and too dry; which skin, hair, nail, and cosmetic regimens you can stick with and which you’ll have to ditch until delivery. Lots on your pregnant lifestyle (from sex to travel to exercise to fashion), your pregnancy profile (how your obstetrical, medical, and gynecological backstory may—or may not—affect your pregnancy), your relationships, your emotions. A more realistic than ever chapter on expectant eating that responds to every eating style—from at-the-desk to on-the-run, from vegan to low-carb, caffeine-addicted to junk-food dependent. An expanded section on preconception, a new chapter for all you many moms of multiples. Lots more for that very important (but too often neglected) partner in parenting, the dad-to-be. And, of course, the very latest on all things pregnancy (news you can use, on everything from prenatal diagnosis to labor and delivery and beyond).
And because a cover-to-cover revision wouldn’t be complete without a new cover, there’s one of those, too. Introducing our new cover mom—off her rocker (okay … out of that rocking chair, finally), she’s embracing her belly and celebrating one of life’s most magical experiences (and the fact that pregnant women now get to wear cute clothes). She’s thoroughly enjoying her expectant self—and I, for one, couldn’t be happier for her. Almost makes me want to run out and get pregnant again (I said almost).
As always, just as important as what’s different in this fourth edition is what’s the same. When
What to Expect When You’re Expecting
was first conceived, it was with a single mission in mind: to help parents-to-be worry less and enjoy their pregnancies more. That mission has grown, but it hasn’t changed. Like the first three editions, this fourth one was written to answer your questions, reassure you, relate to you, empathize with you, and help you get a better night’s sleep (at least as good a night’s sleep as you can get when you’re busy running to the bathroom or fighting off leg cramps and backaches).
I hope you enjoy my new baby as much as I enjoyed creating it—and that it helps you as you go about creating that new baby of yours. Wishing you the healthiest of pregnancies and a lifetime of happy parenting. May all your greatest expectations come true!
About The What to Expect Foundation
Every parent should know what to expect. That’s why we created The What to Expect Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides vital prenatal health and literacy support to moms in need—so they, too, can expect healthier pregnancies, safer deliveries, and healthy, happy babies. For more information and to find out ways you can help, please visit our website at .
First Things First
Before You Conceive
S O YOU’VE MADE THE DECISION TO start a family (or to grow that family you’ve already started). That’s a great—and exciting—first step. But before sperm meets egg to create the baby of your dreams, take this preconception opportunity to prepare for the healthiest pregnancy—and baby—possible. The next steps outlined in this chapter will help you (and dad-to-be) get into tip-top baby-making shape, give you a leg up on conception, and get you to the pregnancy starting gate with all systems go.
If you don’t get pregnant right away, relax and keep trying (and don’t forget to keep having fun while you’re trying!). If you’re already pregnant—and didn’t have a chance to follow these steps before you conceived—not to worry. Conception often sneaks up on a couple, cutting out that preconception period altogether and making those preconception pointers pointless. If your pregnancy test has already given you the good news, simply start this book at Chapter 2 , and make the very best of every day of pregnancy you have ahead of