Vatican Ambassador
they said to me was, ‘Congratulations, you’re the acting ambassador from the Vatican to Lunar Prime. Rebuild the embassy, keep us informed, send back the bodies, thank you ever so much.’ I send in my reports, but I never hear anything back. No new mission, no retaliation, no regrouping, nothing.”
    BC shakes his head.
    “You’ve done a good job. The Vatican Mission looks good,” Edwards says, trying to encourage BC.
    “Thanks. It’s its own little fortress now,” BC laughs.
    He changes the subject to what he really wants to talk to Edwards about. “So... how’s your campaign coming?”
    “I don’t know. He’s made it close. Polls say he could win,” Edwards says, his eyes casting down, studying the tabletop as if studying poll numbers.
    “He’s a nutcase, Marc! And you’ve led the reconstruction!” BC says, throwing up his hands. A few heads turn towards their table. BC draws himself in, picks up his pint and takes a sip. Heads turn back away.
    BC leans in towards Edwards across the table. He whispers, “I can’t believe anyone is supporting the psycho!”
    “He’s built a lot of support with his neutrality campaign,” Edwards says in a low voice.
    “Like you’re not fair and neutral,” BC says with a touch of sarcasm. He leans back. Edwards shakes his head.
    “I’m not, BC, and you know it. And they know it,” Edwards says, a sweep of his right arm indicating the general populace of Lunar Prime. “I’d like to be neutral. We tried to be but... the UIN attacked us, plain and simple!”
    Edwards eyes grow wider, his voice louder, as he relives the attacks in his mind. “I don’t want Lunar Prime to be neutral... but for some stupid reason they still expect us to be!”
    Edwards notices people are leaning in, trying to listen. He calms himself down and takes a sip of his ale. BC is still angry. “I hate the way he’s twisting the truth, making it sound like you caused the UIN to attack Lunar Prime by allying with the UTZ! He’s twisting the whole timetable!” BC insists. “And he’s using me as a symbol of the UTZ’s influence. If not in public, then in private. I’ve heard it back from people I trust,” BC tells Edwards. “I hate to say it, but I’m a liability to you, Marc… at least my friendship and counsel are.”
    “I’ve heard all that stuff, too,” Edwards admits. “He never mentions you publicly, but he talks about my
    ‘UTZ advisors’ in every speech he makes. And we are UTZ allies now.”
    “Your alliance with the UTZ shouldn’t hurt you,” BC insists again, shaking his head.
    “But it does, at least politically,” Edwards says with a frown. “For all intents and purposes, we are neutral, even though we’re now allied with the UTZ. The UTZ recognized our neutrality back in January when we signed the Lunar Free Zone Declaration, recognizing the right of the moon to remain neutral as we agreed to work more closely with the UTZ.” Edwards shakes his head. “He’s stirred people up, says the declaration isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on! He’s good with the spin. I’m not.”
    Edwards downs the rest of his pint. “Guess I’m thirsty this afternoon. Do you know what he said this morning? He said I’ve made Lunar Prime a ‘Provincial Capitol’ for the UTZ!”
    “The only thing you’ve made Lunar Prime is whole again,” BC reassures him. “You’ve rebuilt the place!
    They won’t forget that.” BC stops, sips his ale again. “How many days is it until the election?” he asks Edwards, although he already knows the answer.
    “Another week. Next Tuesday,” Edwards answers. He tips his pint up and drains his glass.
    “Well, then, here’s to good luck,” BC says, raising his glass. Edwards looks at his empty glass.
    “Whoops! Guess I need a refill to drink to that! Be right back!” Edwards gets up to go after another beer. BC sips more of his.
    These people are insane if they elect Daniel McEntyre governor over Marc Edwards... fucking

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