she stopped to retrace the conversation. They couldn’t be talking about the same thing at all. Her emotions were all over the place. Her inability to think clearly turned her mind into swamp fog, thick and murky.
Dylan paused, then stopped what he was doing to peer down at her. She slammed the door to her rambling thoughts.
“What’s the matter, lass?” He put down the filled wine glasses and dragged her into his embrace. She felt immediately better as he pressed the frown from her forehead with the tip of one finger. “What brought on this wrinkle of concern?”
“This longing. This need. Like you said, I’m insatiable. I don’t know how I can last hundreds of years—”
“Not the longing.” Dylan released a restrained snicker. “You asked me about sifting . The longing will always exist between us, but you won’t experience the desperate, frustrating need once we’ve bonded.”
“O-oh. Oh, right. Good.” Relief flooded her emotions.
“Soon, you’ll be able to control this lust. Can’t say as I’ll be happy at the prospect. I’ve enjoyed being your sex slave.” He wiggled those eyebrows again, teasing her with a smug grin, and added, “But, thank the gods, our desire for one another will never go away.”
“Dylan, why not share this with me mentally the way you shared the knowledge of your past? If we can share thoughts, I don’t know why you keep shutting me out.”
The pain of being separated from him mentally spilled from her mind as the words popped out of her mouth. Oh hell! No filter. Where had her ability to control her thoughts gone? Damn! A psychics worst nightmare—the inability to control her thoughts.
Caitlin’s mind moved at light speed, from one thought to another. Scattered. Random. Something was wrong. Something was different.
“Everything is happening too quickly.”
“I’m sorry, lass. Blocking is an old habit, one I learned as a child, and a habit I kept for safety reasons. Don’t be offended if I’m not completely open at all times. I’m not used to having anyone share my thoughts.” His expression turned serious, and he pointed at her. “For your own safety, you should practice blocking others’ thoughts and yours, more effectively.”
“Dylan? Lately, I seem to be having a difficult time sorting my thoughts let alone blocking.”
“That demon got into your head once, and I don’t want a repeat of that incident.”
“You think I do?” She clutched her chest where the bullet entered.
“No. Of course not. I only meant there are demons and rogue jaguars out there we haven’t tracked down, yet.”
The idea sent a shiver up her spine. “Getting shot is the hard way of learning the lesson.” Add losing control of her senses, even if only for the time being, she needed to keep her thoughts locked up tightly. “Don’t remind me, when I’m feeling so vulnerable. Do you think it’s the onset of stasis?”
“Aye, it could be. You may be starting early since we are supplementing your feedings with my blood.”
“Is it going to cause a problem?”
“I don’t think so. But I did go through early stasis with Niccolai’s blood in my system.”
Caitlin piled the Thai food from the box onto a plate for herself then joined him. “My dinner is ready.” She pointed across the room and with a tilt of her head, she indicated the little breakfast nook. “Why don’t you have a seat over there, and I’ll join you in a minute?”
Not offering him anything because most food didn’t appeal to Dylan anymore, not unless it was a steak, warm and bloody, along with a very old scotch. How long would it be before she lost her taste for food? His blood tasted better to her every day, and his regular nourishment of choice was warm blood...straight from her.
Dylan carried her drink and his to the tiny table by the French doors overlooking the garden, and waited.
Chapter Three
Attack on the Pack
Jackson paused not taking a breath when the