shake why unfortunate clasped a thick tree trunk even more strong, as if it one could save it from awful death. The magic fallow deer was forgotten, the rural tavern in which he heard for the first time cock-and-bull stories about it was forgotten. In a breast there was only the one and only desire - there was a wish to survive, survive at any cost!
And meanwhile in a dark night firmament there was a moon, and the moon was full.
Only the first silvery beams, having broken through by some miracle through dense coniferous thickets, concerned the wolves sitting on the earth as there was something absolutely unimaginable. Their backs suddenly began to be bent by an arch as hardly tense onions, and then, having curved to a limit, each of wolves made breakthrough and … Rose on hinder legs! Their muzzles literally in the face of began to be shortened, wool - to thin, tails absolutely disappeared …
Was not in time the young man and an eye to blink as he saw three tall and unusually brawny, covered with a thick black hair men. Their appearance was awful: wild expression of faces, the jaws pushed forward, flat receding foreheads, strongly protruding eyes. The most disgusting that eyes and teeth at these creatures did not change after their transformation into "people" at all: the same huge wolf canines, the same yellow predatory cold and hungry eyes, hooked, claws keen as a razor on fingers.
The young man hardly resisted horror on a branch, and his all clothes became impregnated then. He a tongue twister whispered everything: prayers to the Creator, plots which he heard at rural women and, of course, of the promise to itself it is more NIKOGDA-NIKOGDA not to go to the wood and not to run for lanyam.
Meanwhile terrible sharp-toothed men already rapaciously watched up, oshcheriv the awful mouths. Then the largest of them approached a fir-tree on which the young man hid, and began to rise slowly but surely up. Long curve claws suited at the same time it obviously - it as a cat clung them to tree bark why clambered upward very dexterously.
The young man understood that his situation - desperate. Even what usually saves unarmed people from wolves - high trees - appeared absolutely powerlessly against werewolves. But at the same time he could not make anything for the rescue. On the contrary, as bewitched, he kept eyes glued glazed over from horror from the monster which is persistently clambering on a trunk. It seemed to it at the same time that he has some dreadful dream from when for you someone terrible runs, and you, applying various forces, run away from it, and cannot escape all the same and mark time, and then when the monster, eventually, overtakes you, you shout and wake up in cold sweat. The difference consisted only that the young man would be and is glad to wake up and therefore even few times pinched itself for cheeks, but awakening did not come. When the awful humanoid creature almost reached it, he, at last, cried with all the might the lungs.
That the young man shouted, he and itself plainly did not remember subsequently, but from own shout he almost became deaf. And when the sharp-clawed paw seized him by a boot and with an inhuman force pulled to itself, the young man was convulsively killed all over. Without having kept balance, like a rag doll having powerlessly spread in sides of a hand and leg, it departed down. Breaking on the fly branches, it with a crash and a roar fell down directly the earth fortunately covered with a thick layer of a soft moss. Having hit the head against a ledge big, curved as a snake, a fir-tree root, fainted, became soft and calmed down.
But shout already made the business …
Only two dark humanoid figures stretched sharp-clawed paws to fallen as from the wood an arrow the snow-white fallow deer with gold hooves took off. With astonishment looked at Volkolaki on the yesterday's fugitive: really this mild and timid animal is capable to threaten them? But far from it! After a