Treasure of the Mayan King (2012)

Treasure of the Mayan King (2012) Read Free Page B

Book: Treasure of the Mayan King (2012) Read Free
Author: Alehandro
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thought, and gazed at the details of the pyramid.
    It had the weathered and eroded look that was peculiar to buildings with centuries of neglect and abandon behind them. It was obvious to the paleontologist that at one time the temple was adorned with vivid, colorful paint, but dark and nearly indiscernible streaks replaced what had once been vibrant color.
    It taxed the imagination to visualize that this place and other silent temples of the area had once been a thriving metropolis with a dynamic economy.
    Dr. Sova led the way to a large courtyard, which had been improvised as base camp. Many tents had been erected and there was a large outdoor kitchen. Even from a distance, Chauncy could smell the food.
    When they made it to the large open sitting area, Chauncy was surprised to see how many people there were. They were sitting on benches, chairs, or the ground, eating, chatting, studying maps and diagrams, plotting their work. Dr. Sova introduced the two Americans to the rest of the international crew, all of whom had already been working at the site for some time. The doctor did the introductions in at least four languages, which impressed Chauncy. The various professionals and workers offered their welcomes in their respective languages, with Dr. Sova translating for most before carting the two paleontologists off to show them their tents.
    They arrived at Mack’s tent first, and Dr. Sova recommended he get settled in before exploring. Mack agreed and exchanged farewells with Chauncy. Once Mack had disappeared into his tent, Dr. Sova motioned Chauncy to follow. The linguist immediately set off, Chauncy right behind him.
    But instead of continuing down the line of small tents, Dr. Sova was making his way toward a very large white tent structure, one of the biggest in the camp. Chauncy felt his eyebrows lifting - was this the doctor’s tent, or his own?
    His question was answered the second they arrived. “This is my humble abode,” Dr. Sova said jovially. “Please, come in.”
    Chauncy followed the doctor inside and was astounded to see modern conveniences in stark contrast to the primitive surroundings of the jungle. Chauncy could hear, and feel, an air conditioning unit and generator hard at work. The tent appeared to have several rooms partitioned with cloth doors. From where he stood Chauncy could see a full-sized kitchen with a microwave, refrigerator, and other modern amenities. He was obviously in the living room portion of the tent, as there were several plush chairs, a couch, and a coffee table.
    Dr. Sova’s personal chef was busy preparing a meal. The linguist called to the cook and asked something in French that Chauncy didn’t catch. Moments later the cook returned with two glasses and a bottle of wine. He placed the glasses on the coffee table and poured the wine, leaving the bottle and returning to the kitchen.
    “Come, sit down,” the doctor invited, taking a seat himself in one of the chairs near the coffee table. He picked up his glass of wine and raised it in a toast. “Congratulations, Mr. Rollock!”
    Chauncy sat down, perplexed about the whole situation. “If I may ask, what exactly are you congratulating me for?”
    Dr. Sova laughed before taking a long drink from his glass. He did not answer Chauncy immediately; instead he leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs, and took a cigar from a metal case in his vest pocket. Clipping the end off, he lit it and took a puff from it. As he exhaled the smoke he finally looked at Chauncy.
    “You passed the test! You were the only one who did. The Russians, the Europeans, the Mexicans, the Canadians, even your American colleague - everyone out there in this camp, they all failed,” he said as he waved his hand in disdain.
    Chauncy was even more perplexed. He took a cautious sip from his wine, hoping he could figure out what was going on. “Okay. I give up. Why are you congratulating me?”
    Dr. Sova unfolded his legs and leaned forward, a look of

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