
Timeless Read Free Page A

Book: Timeless Read Free
Author: Shelly Thacker
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pang of envy over the joyous news Celine had shared last night: She was expecting her second child. “How are you faring?”
    They settled on the grass a few paces from the children. “Much better, really, than when I was carrying Soren. I feel wonderful most of the time.” Celine’s expression was blissfully happy as she watched her son chasing his cousin through the trees. “A little woozy in the mornings, but that just gives me an excuse to stay in bed. I lie there looking at the new cradle Gaston is making, and I feel so blessed...”
    She stopped short and met Avril’s gaze. “Oh, Avril, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
    “Nay, it is all right.” Avril blinked away the burning in her eyes, surprised by the intensity of the envy she felt. “It is only that, sometimes, I wish...” She looked up at Giselle, at the small miracle she and Gerard had created, so full of love and laughter and mischief.
    “You wish that Giselle were not growing up an only child, as you did,” Josette finished quietly.
    Avril nodded, dropping her gaze. The wind blowing through the leaves overhead made the only sound for a moment.
    “It doesn’t have to be that way,” Celine whispered. “You’re still young.” She leaned closer and took Avril’s hand. “You once told me that if I found love, I should catch it close and hold it tight.” She looked across the bailey at her husband, her expression tender. “And it was very good advice.”
    “I remember.” Avril paused, squeezing Celine’s hand. “But I-I do not think anyone could replace Gerard in my heart. For a long time, I thought I would be happy if I simply stayed in that chateau, if I kept everything as it was. That I... could keep him with me somehow. I have always believed that there is one special man for every woman... and God granted me mine. For a brief, perfect time, I knew a love some never know. I would not be so selfish and greedy as to expect Him to send me another love like that in my lifetime.”
    “I am the only maiden here,” Josette commented, “so I cannot claim to be an expert, but I do not think God is so miserly with love.”
    Avril reached out her free hand to Josette, smiling at her sweet nature. “You are both so kind to be concerned about me. I am fortunate indeed to have friends like you. Truly, I am happy. I have all of you, and Giselle, and when we return to Brittany, I will be reunited with my cousins and kinsmen. What more could any woman ask? What more love could I need? I...”
    A sudden, unbidden image of her dream last night flitted through her mind.
    She had spoken to no one of the heated images that had disturbed her sleep of late, not even Celine or Josette.
    “I... think it is time for us to go,” she finished awkwardly. “Look how high the sun has gotten.”
    Gaston came striding across the bailey to join them, apparently finished giving instructions to his men. Both children ran to meet him, Giselle racing ahead of little Soren. Gaston scooped her up with both hands and swung her high over his head, making her squeal with delight. “And who is your favorite uncle today, ma petite ?” He tucked her close.
    She locked her chubby arms around his neck. “Uncle Gaston!”
    “Soren up now!” her black-haired cousin demanded, arms extended over his head, his face awash in two-year-old indignation at the attention his cousin was receiving.
    “I keep hoping he’ll grow out of this.” Celine sighed. “He’s become an absolute little tyrant.”
    “I cannot imagine where he inherited that trait.” Avril grinned. Rising, she decided to rescue her beau-frère from having to choose between the children.
    “Soren up now!” the boy repeated, stamping his tiny foot.
    Avril took her daughter as Gaston bent to pick up his son.
    Giggling, Giselle played with a lock of Avril’s hair. “ Maman bring me a pretty spinny?”
    “Aye, ma petite papillon . My little butterfly.” Avril hugged her daughter fiercely. “Oh, how I

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