stores so they get breakfast and dinner or lunch and dinner that’s it. Do the same for us and you see the cabinet is emptying pretty fast? I want her to see how fast that cabinet empties because we are forced to share with them. It not only shows our generosity but what dire straits we are all in. I only have a few cases of spam so technically speaking as far they are concerned its gone in weeks. A can of cream of chicken soup and some rice, that’s a meal. I will be making bread once a week so add a can of tuna fish and that’s a second or third meal if they decide they wanted to eat oatmeal that day also. A can of chili, a can of potatoes etc. you see how quick everything well be gone out of this cupboard?” Dennis said letting what he was saying sink in and seeing the cabinet’s contents disappearing so fast with just separating those meager meals out.
“ Should we set more back for ourselves, you think?” his mom squeaked, horrified that it looked like they would be totally out in a month.
“ No, I have a small pantry in the utility room also as well as all that dehydrated and freeze dried stuff in the prep shed. As far as regular can goods go let her think this is it for now.” Dennis said putting the cans back on the shelf and then starting to carry the goods he had already selected to stash under the bed back to his moms room.
“ So they wont be eating with us here then? “ Mom said a bit confused but somewhat relived. “ Oh we are going to share some communal type meals off and on. Tonight for example Charles cooked up all that meat I had in the freezer and has it on ice. I figure the next week or so we will both be working on our places and gardens some so we will not see much of each other. Today’s Monday so we feast and talk about organization, Thursday we invite them over to our place for community chow down again and I will make a big pot of something for all of us.” Dennis said speculating.
“ Any idea what you are going to make for dinner Thursday?’ His mom asked mystified as to what storage food was all about or what Dennis had stored.
“ We are going to have to wean ourselves off the great American diet in order to keep our spirits and our bodies up to par. We have some good eats put back and we have the dull crap iron rations of wheat, rice and beans for which by the way you can start studying those cook books I got for it. I have a lot of TVP also to make it more interesting and nutritious so we won’t be hard timing it that much for awhile. I need to go out to my prep shed and put them together at least a month of dehydrated and freeze dried meals on my own, I don’t want to show all those food stores at once. You need to follow along so you understand what we have and then we need to decide how we are going to put some in a few different locations. That’s another reason I want to give them a bit more than a months worth, it doesn’t do to have all your eggs in one basket. Or for that matter, pardon my pun, all them cans of powdered eggs I have either.” Dennis said chuckling and starting to head to his backdoor with his mom and show her the portable building he used as his prep shed.
“ Don’t powdered eggs taste nasty? I remember your father complained about them serving them to him in the military.” His mom said good naturedly and excited to see what Dennis had stored and had managed to somehow conceal from her for sometime.
“ They are a lot better now than they were; you always preferred breakfast food so you might enjoy all the pancakes and cereals we will be having. By the way I have to introduce to canned bacon. Don’t turn your nose up its good and pre cooked. “Dennis said smiling and turning the key on his prep sheds lock.
“ Wa la! Welcome to prepperdom. Sorry the floor looks like a grenade went off , I was searching for a few things the other day as well as haven’t had the opportunity to properly arrange my stuff yet.