me during his matches. Tonight he wore red for me and kept flexing at the camera. I told him that he needed to blow a kiss, but he said the guys would rib the hell out of him if he did that.
December 15
I went to my work holiday party tonight. My boss surprised me again by presenting me with the employee of the year award.
“Jamie, you’ve gone above and beyond for the company this year. Because of you, our sales and production are at an all-time high.”
It was silly, but I couldn’t wait to put the plaque in my office. I’d worked so hard to get where I was in the company and now I had a symbol of that hard work. He shook my hand and I went back to my seat. I’m pretty sure I grinned the rest of the night.
December 20
I left for Cancun today. Denver tried to pay for my ticket, but I wouldn’t let him.
“I have plenty of miles to use, Denver. That’s what they’re for.”
“That’s not the point, Jamie. The man is supposed to pay.”
Laughing, I replied, “Not anymore, doll face. We’re splitting this fifty-fifty or I’m not going.”
He finally agreed. When I landed in Cancun he was waiting with a sign in his hands. My heart ached as I remembered the last time he held a sign for me. Then it said: Mesquite’s woman. He’d been so tickled with the codenames I used in my diary, claiming his sounded rugged and Mesquite’s sounded like a sauce.
This time the sign read: Denver’s partner in crime.
I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him close.
“What’s that for?” he asked as we pulled away.
I didn’t want to send him mixed signals, so I replied, “Because I’m thankful to have a buddy like you.”
That was the truth and the best I could offer.
His lips twitched. “Let’s get out of here.”
There was a limo waiting outside, as well as two margaritas with little umbrellas in them.
Sipping on mine, I said, “You thought of everything.”
“Just wait until we get to the resort. You’re going to love the room.”
I began to panic. Had he listened to my request and booked a room with two beds?
He chuckled. “Calm down, Jamie. You’re going to love the room because of the view. Nothing more… unless you want more.”
I was about to retort when I saw the playful gleam in his eyes.
“Why do you love torturing me?”
“Because you make it so easy. Now drink up. We’re here to have the best damn holiday ever.”
The hotel was amazing and our room wasn’t a room at all, but a bungalow with a private pool – and two big beds.
“Denver, this is too much.”
Denver flopped onto his bed, scattering the flower petals that had been so carefully laid out in the shape of a heart.
“It’s not too much. I wanted to make sure housekeeping wouldn’t bother us at the arse crack of dawn. Plus, one of the guys knew someone with a hook-up, so the room was a steal.”
I lay next to him and stretched. Holy heck, this had to be the most comfortable mattress I’d ever lain on.
“Good job then.”
I yawned and Denver suddenly jumped to his feet.
“Oh no. None of that!”
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Get your ass into your bikini right now! We are not - I repeat - are NOT spending the first night of vacation in bed, unless it’s in the sexy way.”
Standing, I said, “You’ve made your point. I’ll change.”
“I mean I’m down for sexy bed time…”
I closed the bathroom door, laughing. Had to give a man props for trying.
When I came out he was dressed in his swimming trunks with a towel thrown over his shoulder. I followed him out the French doors that led to a small deck over the crystal clear water. Pictures of Cancun just didn’t do it justice. I sat and dipped my feet into the water at the same time Denver did a cannonball, splashing me.
Laughing, I said, “Thanks. I’m all wet now.”
“That’s what I
Ladies of the Field: Early Women Archaeologists, Their Search for Adventure