The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2)

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Book: The Rematch (Wrestling Diaries #2) Read Free
Author: Sarah Bale
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buzzed and I wondered if I’d lost him.
      “I’m here.” He sighed. “I have no right to even be upset with you.”
      “I know.”
      “But I am. Jamie – Denver? Really?”
      His tone said it all. He thought I was awful for dating Denver. I didn’t correct him on his assumption.
      “Mesquite, what it boils down to is that you made your choice. You picked her. Not me.”
      It still hurt saying the words, but it was the truth.
      I went on, “I understand that you are upset, but it really doesn’t matter.”
      “But what if it did? What if I was wrong?”
      Part of me had known he was going to say that.
      “Goodbye, Mesquite.”
    December 6
      LaTonya came to visit me today. The last time she’d been at my house my entire world fell apart.
      She hugged me. “I promise I’m not bearing bad news for you this time.”
      “That’s good to know.”
      I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of white wine. Tucking my leg underneath me, I sat next to her on the couch.
      “I am curious why you’re here.”
      She stared at her glass. “I’m here because now I’m the one with a problem. I think Richmond is cheating on me.”
      “Did something happen?”
      “Ever since he won the title he’s been acting distant. I thought it was the added duties at first, but then I saw something on Instagram that has me questioning everything.”
      When it came to dating a celebrity the Internet was your biggest enemy. People could attack you from every angle and there really wasn’t a way to protect yourself unless you stayed off it completely, which was nearly impossible.
  “What did you see?”
      She pulled out her phone and showed me the photo. Ouch . Richmond sat in a booth at a club next to a beautiful woman with coffee colored skin. They were leaning into each other and his arm was around her shoulder. It wasn’t overly suggestive, but I could see why she was worried.
      “LaTonya, have you asked him?”
      “I’m scared. We all know wrestlers aren’t the most faithful creatures.”
      I frowned at the thought. Some were, if it was the right person.
      “You need to talk to him. And you need to be prepared to hear his answer.”
      She took a sip of wine. “I just thought I was enough for him. Maybe I’m not.”
      “No, this has nothing to do with you. If he’s cheating, then it’s on him - not you!”
      I’d learned that the hard way. I didn’t want to tell her that she would blame herself, though. Nothing anyone said would stop this from happening. And she’d feel like she was falling down a dark hole with nothing to save her.
      “It still makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong. Like I’m lacking.”
      I patted her knee. “Just talk to him. And do it in person. Something like this doesn’t need to be done over the phone, especially a text message.”
      Texting was always a tricky game. You never knew the tone the other person was using. And with this already being a sensitive subject, she didn’t need the added stress.
      “You’re right. Hopefully it’s nothing.”
      We chatted a bit longer before she left. She promised she’d wait to talk to Richmond face to face. When she was gone I looked at my phone. Mesquite hadn’t tried to contact me and I was glad.
      Kind of.
      Hell, I didn’t even know anymore.
    December 9
      LaTonya got her answer. She was vague, but I didn’t pressure her. As long as she was happy…
    December 12
      Denver asked if he could spend the holiday with me. Since I’m boycotting my family get-together, I agreed. We decided to go somewhere warm. He suggested Florida first, but quickly said Cancun when he realized who else lived in Florida.
      Christmas in Mexico? I’m not complaining about that!
    December 13
      Watching wrestling on TV is a lot easier since Mesquite is out. Plus, Denver keeps things exciting by doing little things for

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