married and planning to send for my wife once I’m settled in out here?” Cray demanded.
“Because you already told me you aren’t married and had no plans to be,” the owner of the general store piped up. “Just get it over with, Cray. There’s no way out, and I got to get back to town and open up again.”
The minister smiled and began, “Dearly Beloved…”
Jordan looked at the angry man and could feel the heat radiating off of him. He might be handsome as could be, but she had no doubt in her mind that he was dangerous. If he walloped her for stealing his eggs, what would he do to her for this? She interrupted the minister to ask, “Have any of you thought of what he is going to do to me once you all leave me here alone with him?”
The sheriff squirmed, but it was the minster who answered, quoting scripture. “ Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Jordan, you will be Cray’s wife and his responsibility, and none of us would dare to interfere. You will need to behave if you do not wish to face consequences, but I do not feel that Cray will harm you. He hasn’t missed a Sunday in church since arriving here. Now let us proceed…”
“John, please, get to the marrying part and skip the fancy stuff. I’ve got me a store to open up!”
Several women hushed him, and the good Reverend continued, and that was how Jordan Smithfield ‘fended’ a husband for herself. As soon as the brief ceremony was over, the buggies and wagons turned around and headed back toward town in one big hurry.
The problem with Jordan was that she had a hellish temper and could be counted upon to take an already volatile situation and throw fuel on the fire. “This is all your fault, mister!”
Cray knew he was easy to anger. He’d struggled with the problem since he was a little boy, and most of the time he was able to control that particular emotion, however, when he did lose his temper, it was a sight to behold. He leveled his dark eyes on the female who was still wearing the pants and baggy coat. “There is no time like the present to finish what I started this morning,” Cray said. “And then we’ll discuss whose fault it is that this ridiculous marriage occurred.”
Jordan put off running for a second too long. Cray caught her and carried her wildly struggling body inside the small house and straight into the bedroom. “No! No! Don’t hurt me!” she screamed, beating on his broad back with her fists. She was terrified that he was going to force himself on her.
Cray didn’t give a damn how afraid she was. He refused to explain himself to her. She’d earned a good spanking, and he was going to give her one to remember! He threw her down on the bed and wrestled the coat off of her, and then he jerked down those ridiculous pants she was wearing to reveal a pair of thin, worn drawers. Cray didn’t hesitate for one second, but brought the palm of his hand down on her rounded butt.
Jordan cried out, but one part of her was relieved that he was spanking her and not forcing her to his bed. She tried to remain stoic, but his hand was hard and she’d never been spanked before in the whole of her entire life. Her Pa never paid her any mind, and left the raising of her to his spinster aunt. Aunt Hermione didn’t believe in spanking children. She felt it only taught them to use violence to get their way. She had other ways to punish headstrong children. Jordan wasn’t pleased to be experiencing a spanking now that she was a married woman. “Stop it!” she pleaded.
“No.” Cray was determined to see to it she didn’t sit for a while, and he continued the spanking for what seemed like forever to Jordan. By the time he finished, she was sobbing. “Do not expect me to apologize for that, little girl. You earned every last spank, and if I catch you stealing anything ever again I’ll stripe you raw with my belt. Is that clear?” he demanded.