The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata Read Free

Book: The Mahabharata Read Free
Author: R. K. Narayan
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father of Drona.
    B HIMA (bee’ ma): second son of Kunthi.
    B HIMASENA (bee’ ma say’ na): same as Bhima.
    B HISHMA (beesh’ ma): Devavratha’s later name.
    B RIHANNALA (bri ha’ na la): Arjuna’s assumed name in Virata.
    C HITRANGADA (chee tran’ ga da): son of Santanu by Satyavathi.
    D EVAVRATHA (day va’ vra ta): son of Santanu.
    D HANANJAYA (da nan’ ja ya): another name for Arjuna.
    D HARMARAJA (dar ma ra’ ja): Yudhistira.
    D HAUMYA (dowm’ ya): Yudhistira’s chief priest.
    D HRISHTADYUMNA (dri’ shta dyoom’ na): son of Drupada.
    D HRITARASHTRA (dri ta rash’ tra): son of Ambika and Ambalika through Vyasa.
    D HURVASA (door va’ sa): a sage known for his quick temper.
    D RAUPADI (drow’ pa dee): wife of the Pandava brothers; also called Panchali or Yajnaseni.
    D RONA (dro’ na): a teacher of military science and art to the sons and nephews of Dhritarashtra.
    D RUPADA (droo’ pa da): King of Panchala.
    D USSASANA (doo sa’ sa na): second son of Dhritarashtra.
    D URYODHANA (door yo’ da na): eldest son of Dhritarashtra.
    D WAITA (dwi’ ta)
    D WARAKA (dwa’ ra ka)
    E KAVRATA (ay ka’ vra ta)
    G ANDHARI (gan da’ ree): wife of Dhritarashtra.
    G ANGA (gan’ ga): Santanu’s first wife.
    G HATOTKACHA (ga tot’ ka cha): Bhima’s demon son.
    H ARI (ha’ ree): one of Krishna’s names.
    H ASTINAPURA (ha stee na’ poo ra)
    I NDRA (een’ dra): Chief of the Gods.
    I NDRAPRASTHA (een’ dra pra’ sta)
    J ANAMEJAYA (ja na ma jay’ ya): son of King Parikshit.
    J AYADRATHA (ja ya’ dra ta): ruler of Sindu, and son-in-law of Dhritarashtra.
    K AMYAKA (kam’ ya ka)
    K ARNA (kar’ na): son of Kunthi before she married Pandu.
    K HANDAVAPRASTHA (kan’ da va pra’ sta)
    K ICHAKA (kee’ cha ka): General of Virata’s army and brother of the Queen.
    K RIPA (kri’ pa): another guru of the young men at the court of Dhritarashtra.
    K RISHNA (kreesh’ na): eighth incarnation of Vishnu.
    K UNTHI (koon’ tee): wife of Pandu.
    K URUKSHETRA (koo ru kshay’ tra)
    M ADRI (ma’ dree): wife of Pandu.
    M ATSYA (mat’ sya)
    N AKULA (na’ koo la): one of the twins born to Madri.
    N ARADA (na’ ra da): a sage constantly on the move between all the worlds.
    P ANCHALA (pan cha’ la)
    P ANCHALI (pan cha’ lee): Draupadi or Yajnaseni; wife of the Pandava brothers.
    P ANDAVA (pan’ da va): generic title of the five brothers, sons of Pandu.
    P ANDU (pan’ doo): son of Ambika and Ambalika through Vyasa.
    P ARASAR (pa ra’ sar): a sage who begot Vyasa through Satyavathi before she married Santanu.
    P ARIKSHIT (pa ree’ ksheet): successor of Yudhistira and son of Abhimanyu.
    P ARTHA (par’ ta): another name for Arjuna.
    P ARISHTA (pa ree’ shta): a king, father of Drupada.
    P UROCHANA (poo ro’ cha na): an architect in the service of Duryodhana.
    R ADHE (ra’ day): foster-mother of Karna.
    S AHADEVA (sa ha day’ va): one of the twins born to Madri.
    S AKUNI (sa’ koo nee): uncle of Duryodhana.
    S ALYA (sal’ ya): a king, father of Madri, the second wife of Pandu.
    S AISJAYA (san’ ja ya): a commentator and a companion of Dhritarashtra.
    S ANTANU (san’ ta noo): King of Hastinapura.
    S ATYAKI (sat ya’ kee): Krishna’s companion and charioteer, and supporter of Pandavas.
    S ATYAVATHI (sat ya’ va tee): daughter of a fisherman, second wife of King Santanu.
    S AUTI (SOW’ tee): narrator.
    S IKANDI (see kan’ dee): Amba.
    S URYA (soor’ ya): the Sun God.
    S USURMAN (soo soor’ man): King of Trigarta.
    S UVALA (soo’ va la): another name for Sakuni.
    U PAPLAVYA (oo pa’ pla vya)
    U TTARA (oot’ ta ra): son of Virata.
    U TTARAI (oot’ ta ri): daughter of Virata; wife of Abhimanyu, the son of Arjuna.
    V ARUNA (va roo’ na): God of Rain.
    V ARANAVATTA (va’ ra na

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