but you don’t know what you’re missing.
Darakin wanted to protest that he did know, but instead he asked, “So, what’s the plan for today?”
Well, that all depends on what you want. Are you looking to stay here? Or are you trying to get back to your dimension?
“Getting back would be great, but I have no idea how to do that. The idiots that brought me here clearly thought they were summoning a demon from a hell dimension and couldn’t send me back, even if they were so inclined, which they weren’t.”
The cat looked sideways at the mage. But, I mean, if you were able to go back, would you have room for, I mean would you want, aw never mind.
“Would I want what?”
Nah, it’s nothing.
“Are you asking if I’d want you to come with me?”
Ahem, no, no I mean it’s not my world there. Do they even have cats there?
“They do and I think I could get used to having company. I’d take you along as long as you’re willing to travel with me.”
No, that’s okay. I got a good thing going here.
“Actually, it would be a favor to me. I don’t have any close friends back home. I’m a traveling mage and I admit that I’ve never had a traveling companion before, but I think it would be great.”
Oh, well, if it’s a favor, sure I’ll go with you.
“Excellent. But until I find out how to get us home, how can I get some currency to score you some milk? Is that how you say ‘buy’?”
Nah, it’s kind of a slang thing. And the only way, I mean, the only legal way to get currency is to get a job.
“Then that’s what I shall do. Where does one go to procure employment here?”
Oh boy. This is gonna be tough. The cat shakes his head. Look for signs in shop windows. They put signs up if they need anyone.
“How do you know this? You cannot read, can you?”
No, but the family I used to live with told their son about the signs in the summer when he was off from school. I followed him around while he looked for a job.
“Ah, I see.”
Can you read?
“I think so. The translator spell should let me.” The mage looked up at a street sign to check. “Yes, I can read.”
Good. Um, would you mind carrying me? It’s a long way and sometimes I get kicked when I try to walk on the sidewalks.
“Of course.” Darakin picked up Mrowley, who quickly settled into the mage’s arms.
The cat took Darakin many blocks away to the downtown area of the city. Here the streets were lined with small shops and pubs. As they walked, people stared. The fact that he was carrying – and talking to – a cat only seemed mildly strange when compared with Darakin’s odd appearance. His cape and his long, glistening, silver hair blowing behind him were what caught most people’s attention. Fortunately, most didn’t notice the large dagger tucked into his belt.
Darakin either didn’t notice the stares or didn’t care to acknowledge them, instead studying the windows of all the shops for one of those Help Wanted signs that Mrowley had described.
Unlike Darakin, Mrowley took the opportunity of being carried rather than kicked for a change to yell at the passersby who stared. What? You never saw a mage carrying a cat before? Go have a hairball. Stick your opposable thumb up your –
“Okay. Hush now, kitty. We’ve no quarrel with these folks.”
Speak for yourself, dude. These people have been kicking me and shooing me away for years.
“Ah, I see. I apologize. Proceed.” Mrowley continued to hurl insults as they made their way downtown.
After walking many blocks, they finally happened upon an old-fashioned looking pub. Darakin immediately liked the look and feel of the pub. It reminded him of home. In its window sat a small sign that read, “Help Wanted.”
“Here,” Darakin said to the cat. “I shall work here.”
Whoa, dude, you need them to hire you first.
“How do I