fine.” She rubs my shoulder up and down, and then we start walking to the kitchen again. I sigh as we enter. It’s going to be a long week. I wonder if I shouldn’t have come.
Chapter 2
My phone went off several times during my run, but I didn’t want to stop and answer it. I’m sure it was Mom trying to persuade me into coming over, again. I know she means well except she needs to leave it alone. I’ve been to two different therapists, both helped some. For me the only thing that helps the most is my running and working out. The nightmares have lessened, although I’m not sure they will ever go away, and I know I’ll never forget that day when I lost Liv. The sounds of the music in my ears make me run a little faster, but my body is screaming for me to go home. I finally listen to my aching muscles and start slowing down to a jog as I make my way to my house. By the time I get to the front porch I’m walking, trying to slow my breathing down. When I get to the steps, I lean my hands against the railing, stretching out my legs, my feet and my back.
Taking the key from the pocket of my gym shorts, I walk up the steps and unlock the front door, flipping the light switch on the wall to the right. After locking up, I walk straight to the kitchen and grab a bottled water from the fridge, nearly downing the entire thing. I look down at the near empty shelves and scrunch up my face. “Damn. I really need to hit the grocery store soon.” A shelf half full of bottled waters, half a head of lettuce and various containers that I’m sure need to have the food thrown out, are the only things in there. I let out a big sigh. I’ll do that tomorrow. Drinking the rest of the water, I close the fridge door and toss the empty bottle over my head, making the recycle bin. “Score!” I shout to no one.
After a long hot shower and brushing my teeth, I run a hand through my wet hair and throw on some boxers. Settling into bed feels about as great as the shower did. I put my hand under my head and close my eyes but all I can think about is that she will be coming into town soon, and I pray I don’t run into her until the reunion. It’s gonna be hard enough to see her then.
“JASE! WAIT UP!” I turn my head, my feet pounding the asphalt, and I smile at Liv, following me on her bike. The music in my ears only allowing me to barely hear the outside sounds around me. I slow down a little so she can catch up but after a couple of minutes something inside me cringes. She should have passed me by now.
A loud screeching noise shrills up my body and everything seems to go in slow motion. I turn, stopping still, when I see the truck slam into Liv. Her bike is crunched under its tires, her body thrown a few feet away.
“NOOOO!” I sit up in bed. My breathing is in heavy pants, and sweat has beaded on my forehead. “Liv,” I whisper into the darkness. I move my legs from under the sheets, sliding them over the edge of the bed until my feet hit the floor. My hands move into my hair as I lean down, fisting it and pulling. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve relived the nightmare that haunts me, but it’s still so fresh in my mind. Like it just happened.
Knowing I won’t be going back to sleep for a bit, I head downstairs and into the kitchen to get a bottled water. Flipping the light on was a mistake, my eyes squinting against the intrusion. I notice my phone on the counter and had forgotten to check my messages earlier.
Mom: Alena is in town.
Mom: Are you going to see her?
Mom: Honey, you really should talk to her.
Mom: Are you ok?
Jolie: We need to order more towels. On it!
Alena. She’s here. My heart takes off in overdrive and suddenly my throat is drier than it was. I walk to the fridge, grab a bottle and twist off the cap, drinking it down like my life depended on it. Her face flashes in my mind. What the hell am I gonna say to her? She’s the one that quit talking to me, out of the blue. I wonder what she’ll