shadows and unfolded his veiny muscular arms. He was a man of few words, and a serious and pragmatic planner. Therefore, it went unsaid that he was unhappy with the impromptu mission, but as a servant to his country, unwilling to raise concerns with upper brass, he had worked with his team to create the most viable plan of action.
Moving into the view of his men, he turned toward the PowerPoint and slipped his hands into his pockets. “Word from the top brass is that this information is central to our success in the Helmand Valley. It would have been ideal to conduct this mission when the property was vacant or less heavily armed. However, in the last 48-hours, our satellites indicate that there has been a constant presence at the home, which is abnormal. Armed presence has tripled and so has overall activity in the neighboring city, which is also indicative of insurgents preparing for an attack.”
Rusty clicked to another photo showing thermal infrared images of bodies outside of the home over a 48-hour time-span.
Captain Lawless sucked his teeth and talked calm and clear, standing like a statue in front of the image. “Our Intelligence close to the home has informed us that Mohammad Nabi, the British-educated Jihadist responsible for running the house and computers, may be at this location during the time the mission is carried out.” His voice projected louder. “If he is, this mission becomes a snatch and grab spec op. If not, then we’ll get him soon enough. Our sources indicate that he has not left the country in over four years. We don’t expect him to go anywhere anytime soon. Our priority remains to collect the data, extract the target and evac so that air support can destroy the house. This will be our one and only opportunity, gentlemen.” He turned his attention back to the men and glared at Brett. “I cannot stress the precision in which this mission must be carried out. Nabi is arranging to transfer millions of dollars and priceless information to another facility permanently . We have tonight and tonight only to get that information.”
Brett didn’t beat around the bush. This was not his idea of an optimal operation. There were too many variables and not enough planning. “There will be casualties,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. Scanning the room, he looked at each of his men. “It is my goal to ensure that those casualties are not American ones. Rules of engagement dictate this mission is deadly force authorized. Kill anything that moves. If they are there, they are a threat.”
Captain Lawless quickly jumped in. Brett’s form of communication was a bit crass for his tastes. Some things needn’t be said, just understood. “Over 30 men are posted at the house. But because we need the information, any ideas about using strike drones are out. We have to physically enter the home, take the motherboards and jump drives, download the desk tops, grab any documents that are visible and easily accessible and then get out. From the time boots land on the ground to the time that you are picked up a click from the home on the river bend, the operation in whole will be 20 minutes.”
“What about logging in remotely?” Hound, one of the men on the team, asked from the back of the room. He scratched at his curly, dirty blonde ponytail and squinted at the screen. “Just in case we miss some information, how are we to ensure that it won’t land back into the wrong hands? That’s a lot to get in a short period of time. If this stuff is as important as you say, and I don’t doubt that it is , overlooking something could cost additional lives down the road.”
“We’ve already tried. It’s not possible.” Captain Lawless answered honestly. “This is our only recourse. What we don’t collect during the mission will be destroyed by air support during the fly over. This is a time-sensitive target.”
“Alright men. Let’s go