implied. And if I got the message from the synopsis, don’t you think your intuitive female readers will, too?”
“I’ll ask Cecilia about it when we talk about the manuscript. Herinsights and suggestions about both novels have been so helpful. I don’t know where I’d be without her.”
“Do whatever you want, but don’t slow down the printing press with more revisions. We need to get this book into the stores as soon as possible.” Bernie paused. “When are you going to start book number three?”
Amy almost dropped the phone.
“I thought I’d bake a batch of cookies first,” she managed.
“Buck up. You’re a professional now with two books under your belt. Remember, a writer isn’t a writer except on the days she turns on the computer and cranks out at least a few decent paragraphs.”
“I know, but I don’t have an idea for the next novel. I haven’t given it any thought because I didn’t want to be distracted.”
“And the ability to focus is one of your strengths. Don’t take me wrong. I’m just doing my job. Most cheerleaders have hair on their heads, not their legs, but I’m going to do my best to keep you moving forward.”
An image of Bernie Masters in a cheerleading uniform flashed before Amy’s eyes. She smiled.
“Thanks, Bernie. I promise I’ll start praying about my next novel.
You should pray, too.”
“My skills lie elsewhere. And hear me on this. I’m not going to let the publisher lie down like a camel in the middle of the road. You did your part delivering a good, solid book. Their job is to make sure it’s on the bookstore shelves and has a strong presence in the e-book market. As soon as Cecilia accepts the manuscript for the new novel, I’ll give Dave a call.”
“And be nice.”
“I won’t yell. And get back to me as soon as you have an idea for the next novel. You’ve primed the pump and need to keep the water flowing.”
The call ended, and Amy placed her phone on the counter. Bernie didn’t know it, but the theme and title for each of Amy’s novels weren’t the result of brainstorming in the writing room, searching theInternet for something that jump-started her creative juices, or flipping through the Bible until a verse caught her eye. Amy was a gifted person with a fertile imagination, but the genesis for her writing came from another source.
If Amy was going to start writing another book, the first thing she needed to do was fall asleep.
F or most of her life, Amy had known the difference between the chaotic activity that takes place in a regular dream and the serene order of a spiritual one. Regular dreams could be the result of too much pepperoni on a pizza, the unconscious release of pent-up stress, an attempt to work through a real-life problem, or any one of countless other possibilities. Amy rarely remembered the details of regular dreams. Spiritual dreams were less common and much more memorable.
As a small child, Amy had a series of almost identical dreams in which she found herself in an empty, windowless room with shimmering walls. The best way she could describe the setting to her mother was that the walls seemed to be breathing. And with a child’s literalism, Amy started calling the place “the living room.”
Just being there was so wonderful that Amy did nothing except bask in the moment. It was a place with fragrant air, clear light, and a presence that permeated her being. No matter how long the dream lasted or what happened during it, Amy never wanted to leave, and she treasured the lingering influence that remained after she awoke.
When she learned about heaven in Sunday school, Amy had no problem believing Christians could be completely satisfied in a place God had prepared for them. The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden made perfect sense to her. Human beings were madeto be with their Creator. Only in constant communion and fellowship with him could people be fully alive and totally fulfilled.