The standing at the window sill is looking at the two men at the door.]
The caption reads: "
I got a shovel out of the garage and found a place in the front yard that looked like a good spot to dig. But before I could even get started, Mom came outside and asked me what I was up to.
[Image: A lady standing at the door is looking at the boy with a shovel.]
I told Mom I was just digging a hole, but of course she didn't like THAT idea. So she came up with about twenty reasons why I wasn't allowed to do it.
Mom told me it was "dangerous" to dig in the yard because of underground electrical lines and sewage pipes and stuff. Then she made me promise up and down that I wouldn't dig any holes in our yard. So I promised.
Mom went inside, but then she kept watching me out the window. I knew I was gonna have to take my shovel and go dig a hole somewhere else, so I headed up to Rowley's house.
I haven't been going up to Rowley's much lately, mostly because of Fregley. Fregley has been spending a lot of time in his front yard, and sure enough, that's where he was today.
[Image: Two boys outside near the postbox.] The caption reads: "DOES THIS SCAB SMELL FUNNY TO YOU?"
My new strategy with Fregley is to just avoid eye contact and keep walking, and it seemed to do the trick today.
When I got to Rowley's I told him my idea, and how the two of us would practically be ninjas if we stuck with this hole-jumping program I planned out.
[Image: Two boys near a haystack.]
But Rowley didn't seem so hot on the idea. He said his parents might get mad if we dug a ten-foot hole in his front yard without asking them, so he was gonna have to get their permission first.
Now, if there's one thing I know about Rowley's parents, it's that they NEVER like my ideas. I told Rowley we could just cover the hole up with a tarp or a blanket or something and put some leaves on top of it, and his folks would never even find out. That seemed to convince him.
OK, so I admit that Rowley's parents might EVENTUALLY find out. But that wouldn't be for at least three or four months.
[Image: A man digging into the lawn.] The caption reads: "AIEEEEEEEE!"
Me and Rowley found a good spot in the front yard to start digging, but we ran into a problem right away.
The ground was pretty much frozen SOLID, and we could hardly even make a dent.
[Image: A boy looks at the other trying to dig.] The caption reads: "CLUNK"
I spent a few minutes trying before I handed the shovel over to Rowley. He couldn't really make any progress, either, but I gave him an extra-long turn so he could feel like he was contributing to the project.
[Image: A boy is digging and the other is looking at him from the window.] The caption reads: "SIP
Rowley got a little bit further than I did, but when it started to get dark out, he gave up.
I guess we'll have to take another crack at this thing tomorrow.
Well, I thought about it a lot overnight, and I realized that at the rate me and Rowley are going, we're gonna to be in college before this hole is ten feet deep.
So I came up with a totally DIFFERENT idea for what we could do. I remembered this thing I saw on TV where scientists made a "time capsule" and filled it with a bunch of stuff like newspapers and DVDs and things like that. Then the scientists buried their time capsule in the ground. The idea was that in a few hundred years someone will come along and dig it up, and they can learn how people from our time used to live.
[Image: A treasure chest.] The caption reads: "TIME CAPSULE DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2300 A.D."
I told Rowley about my idea, and he seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. Mostly, I think he was just glad we weren't gonna spend the next few years digging a hole.
I asked Rowley to donate some items to put in the time capsule, and that's when he got cold feet.
I told Rowley that if he put some of his Christmas presents in the time