The Last Layover
significantly in order to cope with the changing economic climate; the average leisure traveler and vacationing family simply could not afford to travel like they once could. This was further impacted by the fact that current administration had cut funding in areas that would intentionally inflict pain on the American people. This was done to garner support for the president's ever-increasing deficit spending. Unfortunately, air traffic control had been one of those cuts. With fewer controllers on the job, airlines did not have the departure and arrival slots they used to have in the congested traffic of the northeast.
    “Today is a total waste of a day of my life,” as Evan put it. “Only one flight to JFK and we're done for the day, stuck in that hell hole.” Evan said this aloud; he did not hide the fact that he didn't have much love for New York. The corrupt and oppressive government, overcrowded everything, and a voter base that kept the wannabe dictators in power, left a bad taste in his mouth.
    Jason just sighed in agreement as Glen quipped back, “Hell hole? I love New York. I'm going clubbing tonight, if you rednecks wanna go.”
    “No thanks, all I brought to wear was my camouflaged NRA shirt, and I doubt they would let me in wearing that,” said Jason.
    “Damn straight! You gun nuts just keep to your Tea Party rallies and Klan meetings and leave the clubs to the rest of us,” Glen said, jokingly.
    “Deal! Except for the Klan part, of course. You do realize your side founded the KKK right?” Evan replied. “Besides, you'll come crying to us gun nuts for help when the zombies come.”
    “Hell no! My ass will get eaten right away. I wouldn't last five minutes in a zombie apocalypse. I've watched The Dead Walking or whatever it's called. You can keep that world,” replied Glen in an intentionally snarky manner.
    They all shared a laugh, then got on with their respective duties. Although Glen, Evan, and Jason did not see eye-to-eye on political or social issues, or much of anything else for that matter, they had a mutual respect for each other and enjoyed working together while giving each other a hard time.
    Flight 4225 got off a few minutes late due to late arriving passenger baggage, but was otherwise uneventful. The cool fall morning air provided them with nice smooth rides, helping the flight attendants complete their in-flight beverage service with ease. During the cruise portion of the flight, Evan and Jason caught each other up on the goings on in their lives, while Glen took rookie Peggy under his wing and helped her with her duties in the back. The weather going into New York was crystal clear. It was one of those beautiful mornings without a single bump in the sky. The cool morning air was as smooth as glass, the winds were calm, and the temperature/dew point spread gave them near unrestricted visibility.
    As they were being vectored up the Jersey Shore towards JFK by air traffic control, they could see all of Manhattan Island and Long Island. Jason turned to Evan and said, “Man... that's the last place I want to be when shit hits the fan.”
    “Ditto,” Evan responded. “Just imagine being down in the middle of that mess when things go down. It would be just like the Will Smith movie I Am Legend , when people were fighting to get off of the island, trampling women and children for the last helicopter or ferry. Oh, and of course the city rats would be in heaven amidst the lawlessness. That just makes me glad we are pack’n.”
    “Hell, yeah,” said Jason. “That, and you would have a long way to go to get away from it all, even if you were lucky enough to get out of NYC itself. The traffic would be total gridlock, and that's if the roads were even open at all. On top of that, the urban sprawl just seems to go on forever, so humping it out on foot wouldn't be a picnic either.”
    As they made their final approach to the airport, Evan looked at Jason who was flying this leg and said,

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