Director at Taylor & Francis Books , argued at the Publishers’ Forum 2010. “Without full and complete metadata, and without the capability to output and feed that metadata to the digital supply chain, our titles are destined to be lost in the noise of the market.” Efficient metadata management is crucial for marketing your products on the Web.
Klopotek helps you to get a top search engine position for your content. Metadata management and data supply is in the standard ONIX format (for all types of channels: websites, flyers, catalogues, bookshops, e-book platforms). The system provides automated relationships with complete metadata (product synchronisation). Various target groups can be automatically addressed. There are tools for search engine optimisation (SEO) as well as efficient web services and message-based services.
Emerging models for libraries
“We don’t own e-books. Physical books, once purchased, are ours to do with as we like, but we can’t sell, lend or give away an e-publication because we pay a rental license on them: they belong to a corporation. By the same token, there’s no public lending right. Paradoxically, physical books are freer than digital.” ( Sean Cubitt , 23/4/2013)
There is a heated and ongoing debate about e-book rental and business models for supplying libraries with e-books. Whatever the outcome may be, Klopotek supports a range of related and sometimes complex business models, such as e-book rental, charging libraries (for example) three times the price of the ‘primary’ print book (but a library only has to buy a copy once), and patron-driven acquisition. PDA allows you to provide libraries with large numbers of e-books while individual titles are only purchased and paid for when a reader orders them.
Get in touch with us
We’d be delighted to discuss all of this in more detail with you. Please contact one of our Klopotek representatives.
We look forward to talking to you.
Part III. Profiles of Markets and Selected Global Actors
Chapter 5. English Language eBook Markets
The following overview provides key data for the two leading English markets, those of the US and the UK, as a benchmark for a more in-depth representation of trends and developments in places where English is not the first language of the average reader.
Chapter 6. Advertorial Bookwire
Availability and discoverability in a global eBook market.
The separation of content from the printed book has a lasting impact on product strategy, production, marketing and distribution of book content. In a global content market, digital products must be distributed reliably, quickly and securely in a rapidly developing trade sector. Availability and discoverability are the key to success in eBooks, as they become mainstream in Europe and other developing digital markets.
Availability of products in all channels and secure dealings with shops are the first steps. Then comes the question of how customers will find the titles in the future. The user experience and discovery experience vary greatly among the popular eBook shops and are still in need of development. Along with analysis of sales reports and continual improvement of metadata, trade marketing is becoming increasingly important. How do I turn an available product into a discoverable product? How do I get placements and cooperation with major eBook shops that will enhance sales? Which marketing tools help with circulating titles, information and text samples in the social web? On which platforms and communities must title metadata be available? How do I guarantee the quality of this information and that it can be updated?
Creating smart data
It is essential that publishers are able to quickly draw the right conclusions from their own digital strategy. Which title and which genre have been successful in which sales channel and at which price in the various countries?
We live in a world of constant “beta”, where we have to keep on checking and