Elbowing his way through the crush, he came to a narrow
street and darted up it, past a drunk pissing in one doorway
and some kids making out in another, the boy’s hand shoved
awkwardly up the girl’s top. Halfway along, he veered right
down a side alley where bright banners and wilting fl owers
hung lazily from low, sagging balconies.
He skidded to a halt outside a large wooden gate. The sign
nailed to it indicated that the building was currently being
renovated by Construción Pedro Alvarez. That meant it was
It only took him a couple of seconds to spring the padlock
open. He stepped inside and carefully closed the gate behind
him, finding himself in a small courtyard littered with paint-
spattered tools and broken terracotta tiles. A dog had fouled
the large pile of sand immediately to his left.
In the middle stood a well. He made his way to it. It was
disused, a black grille over the opening rendering the bucket
suspended above it purely ornamental. This was as good a
place as any.
A match flared in the darkness and he held it to his small
8 j a m e s
t w i n i n g
notebook. The dry paper clutched at the fl ame, drawing it in
like water, the fire gnawing hungrily at the pages’ pale skin
until only the charred spine remained. He glanced toward
the gate. He still had time. Time to leave some clue as to
what he had discovered before it was too late.
The knife bit into his palm, the blood welling up through
the deep gash and then oozing through his fingers, sticky and
warm. He had barely finished when the gate burst open.
“ Está allí. Te dijé que le iba a encontrar. ¡Venga! ¡Venga!
Antes de que se vaya. ” He’s in here. I told you I’d fi nd him.
Quick! Quick! Before he gets away.
He looked up and recognized the little boy he had lifted
above the crowd earlier pointing triumphantly toward him, a
cruel look in his eyes, blond hair shimmering like fl ames in
the darkness.
Five men shot through the doorway, two of them overpow-
ering him instantly by bending his right arm up behind his
back and forcing him to his knees.
“Did you really think you could hide from us, Rafael?”
came a voice from behind him.
He didn’t answer, knowing it was pointless.
“Get him up.”
The grip on his arm relaxed slightly and he was dragged to
his feet. A cold, blinding light snapped on. Rafael held his
other hand up to his face, shielding his eyes. A video camera.
The sick putas were filming this. They were filming the whole
A shape materialized in front of him, a solid black outline
silhouetted against the white light’s searing canvas, the world
suddenly drained of all color. The figure had a hammer in
one hand and two six-inch masonry nails in the other that he
had scooped up off the floor. A kaleidoscopic undershirt of
tattoos disappeared up each sleeve and formed a rounded
collar where they reappeared just below the neckline of his
unbuttoned shirt.
Rafael felt himself being lifted so that his wrists were
pressed flat against the wall on either side of an open doorway.
The video operator took up a position so he could get both
men in the shot.
t h e g i l d e d s e a l
Outside, Rafael heard muffled cheering and the faint sound
of women wailing and crying. He knew then that La Mac-
arena had finally appeared on the adjacent street, glass tears
of grief at the loss of her only son frozen on to the delicate
ecstasy of her carved face.
She was here. She was here for him.
Forsake not an old friend;
for the new is not comparable to him;
a new friend is as new wine;
when it is old,
thou shalt drink it with plea sure.
Ecclesiasticus 9:10
18th April— 11:58 a.m.
As the car drew up, a shaft of light appeared through a
break in the brooding sky. The castle’s sandstone walls
glowed under its gentle touch, an unexpected shock of pink
against the ancient