makes me nervous.’ His hand touched hers. She moved it away.
‘You see. Just like that.’ He pointed at her hand.
Kara felt suddenly awkward and ill at ease. She didn’t really know how far was acceptable behaviour for a first date, any more. She fell back into defence mode.
‘You seem to think you know me. Well, I say you shouldn’t rely on the tabloid press for your information in future.’
‘Touché,’ he said and smiled.’
She didn’t tell him that sometimes she just wanted to be swept off her feet and told what to do rather than having to constantly be the one in control. No one expected that of her.
The waitress wheeled the sweet trolley to their table. Kara declined but William insisted on the lover’s platter – a shared dessert of bitter chocolate, whipped cream and sugar dipped strawberries supplied with two spoons and one plate. The waitress smiled knowingly as she handed Kara her spoon.
Kara wanted to tell her that it was on the menu and not her choice at all but she managed to hold her tongue. Even she knew that it would have sounded stupid to deny what was obvious to those watching them. They had chemistry.
‘Dig in,’ he said, taking a large spoonful for himself.
Kara took a small helping – an even amount of the dark chocolate pudding and the lightly whipped cream and ate it slowly. It tasted good.
‘ What is anything worth if you have no one meaningful to share it with?’ he said.
Kara flinched as if his words had penetrated her skin like the sting of a wasp .
‘ That’s very poetic for a builder,’ she laughed. It felt as if his comment had been aimed directly at her and it struck a chord in her heart. Her loneliness stemmed directly from the lofty perch her career had placed her upon. It was often hard work and stressful and she took her problems home to an empty, sterile house that had been cleaned of all signs of life in her absence.
But how did one go about finding a man to share one’s life with? So many of the men she came into contact with these days were either intimidated by her position or out to hitch a free ride on the back of it. It made her cautious, but William didn’t appear to be either of these and as the wine and the liqueurs flowed Kara began to relax and let down her defences.
He was an attentive date. His questions were interesting and probing without being too intrusive. He seemed well practised at the art of dating. Kara wondered if she should have asked more questions – if she should have shown more interest in him rather than adopting such a defensive stance from her side of the intimate little table for two, but he didn’t seem to notice.
‘I hope you don’t find all this too pretentious, Kara.’ He smiled and placed his hand tentatively on top of hers. ‘I just wanted to get to know you a bit, first. I enjoy your company and a fine dinner is the perfect way to do that, don’t you think?’
‘I’ve enjoyed it, too. You’ve been an admirable sparring partner.’ Kara smiled. She was reluctant for the night to come to an end.
‘What would you like to do, next, Kara? I’m all yours –well, at least until 9am tomorrow,’ he laughed.
‘Do you want coffee?’ She took back her hand and raised her arm to call a waiter. She got the feeling he was suggesting she go home with him and she didn’t think she could trust herself to say no so she changed the subject instead.
‘I’ll have a n Americano,’ she told the waiter. William ordered the same.
‘You know that’s not what I meant.’ His fingers inched across the table until just the very tips were touching hers.
It sent a shiver down her spine. She wanted to move her hand – or for him to take hers in his and hold it like he never meant to let go.
He held onto it. Kara’s breath seemed to catch in her throat. She licked her dry lips. Her head told her to proceed from here on in with extreme caution but her heart was saying bollocks to that – go and enjoy the ride for