The Forge of Christendom

The Forge of Christendom Read Free

Book: The Forge of Christendom Read Free
Author: Tom Holland
Tags: History, Religon
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Hermannsson Ithaca, 1930
    Arnold of Regensburg:
Vita S. Emmerami
, in
4 Hanover, 1841
    Arnulf of Milan:
Liber Gestorum Recentium
, in
67 Hanover, 1994
City of God
, tr. Henry Bettenson London, 2003
On Order
, tr. Silvano Borruso South Bend, 2006
    Avitus of Vienne:
, in
6.2 Berlin, 1888
    Battle of Maldon
, in
Benonis et Aliorum Cardinalium Schismaticorum Contra Gregorium VII. et Urbanum II. Scripta
, in
MGH Libelli
2 Hanover, 1892
    Bibliotheca Cluniacensis
, Martinus Marrier and Andreas Quercetanus Mâcon, 1915
    Blickling Homilies
, tr. Richard J. Kelly London, 2003
    Bonizo of Sutri:
To a Friend
, in
The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century
, tr. and I. S. Robinson Manchester, 2004
    Bruno of Merseburg:
Saxonicum Bellum
, in
MGH Deutsches Mittelalter
2 Leipzig, 1937
    Bruno of Querfort:
Passio Sancti Adalberti
, in
4 Hanover, 1841
    Bruno of Querfort:
Vita Quinque Fratrum
, in
15 Hanover, 1887
Byrhtferth’s Manual
, tr. and S. J. Crawford London, 1929
    Carmen de Hastingae Proelio
, in Morillo, 46–52
    Cartulaire de l’Abbaye de Saint-Aubin d’Angers
, B. de Broussillon, 2 Paris, 1903
    Cartulaire du Ronceray
, Paul Marchegay Angers, 1856
, in
MGH Epistolae Karolini Aevi
Berlin, 1892–1925
    Chronicon Mosomense
Chronique ou Livre de Fondation du Monastère de Mouzon
, tr. and Michel Bur Paris, 1989
    Chronicon Novaliciense
, in
7 Hanover, 1846
    Collectanea Byzantina II
, S. G. Mercati Bari, 1970
    Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos:
De Administrando Imperio
, tr. R. J. H. Jenkins Dumbarton Oaks, 1967
    Corpus Scriptorum Muzarabicorum
, J. Gil, 2 Madrid, 1973
    Desiderius of Monte Cassino:
Dialogi de Miraculis Sancti Benedicti
, in
30/2 Leipzig, 1934
    Documents pour l’Histoire de l’Église de Saint-Hilaire de Poitiers (768–1300)
, L. Rédet Poitiers, 1847
    Donation of Constantine
, Ernest F. Henderson, in Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages London, 1910 319–29
    Dudo of Saint-Quentin:
History of the Normans
, tr. Eric Christiansen Woodbridge, 1998
    Egil’s Saga
, tr. C. Fell and J. Lucas London, 1975
The Life of Charlemagne
, in
Two Lives of Charlemagne
, tr. Lewis Thorpe London, 1969
    Encomium Emmae Reginae
, tr. Alistair Campbell Cambridge, 1998
Historia Langabardorum Beneventarnorum
( )
    Eucherius of Lyon:
The Passion of the Martyrs
Van Berchem, 55–9
Eusebius’ Life of Constantine
, tr. Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall Oxford, 1999
In Praise of the Emperor Constantine
(∼vandersp/Courses/texts/eusebius/euseprai.html )
    Ex Miraculis Sancit Alexii
, in
4 Hanover, 1841
, Philippe Lauer Paris, 1905
    Fontes ad Topographiam Veteris Urbis Romae Pertinentes, VIII, Regio Urbis X, Mons Palatinus
, G. Lugli Rome, 1960
    Fulbert of Chartres:
The Letters & Poems of Fulbert of Chartres
, F. Behrends Oxford, 1976
    Fulcher of Chartres:
The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Sources
, Edward Peters Philadelphia, 1998
    Gallus Anonymus:
The Deeds of the Princes of the Poles
, tr. Paul W. Knoll and Frank Shaer Budapest, 2003
    Geoffrey of Malaterra:
De Rebus Gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae Comitis et Roberti Guiscardi Fratris Eius
, E. Pontieri Bologna, 1927
    Gerbert of Aurillac:
Acta Concilii Remensis ad Sanctum Basolum
, in
3 Hanover, 1838
    Gerbert of Aurillac:
The Letters of Gerbert with his Papal Privileges as Sylvester II
, tr. Harriet Pratt Lattin New York, 1961
    Gesta Consulum Andegavorum
Chroniques des Comtes d’Anjou et des Seigneurs d’Amboise
, L. Halphen and R. Poupardin Paris, 1913
Vita Sancti Hugonis Abbatis
, H. E. J. Cowdrey, in Studi Gregoriani 11, 1978
    Glaber, Rodulfus:
, John France, Neithard Bulst and Paul Reynolds Oxford, 1989
    Gregory I:
Homiliarum in Evengelia
, in

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