Losing weight seems mysterious to some, impossible to others, but it’s really not that complicated. It’s not about calories or fat grams or carbs. People like to say that losing weight is simply a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn. Calories in, calories out. I’ve never believed in that, and I’ve witnessed how untrue it is for some people. It’s
a matter of eating fewer calories. But it is about the burn.
It’s about your metabolism. Fire it up and you’ll burn everything you eat like a bonfire, even if you eat a lot. You know those skinny people who always pack it in? They have fast metabolisms. Then there are people who hardly eat at all and remain saddled with extra weight. They are the ones with slow metabolisms that have cooled off and aren’t burning the way they should. Tamp down your metabolism until it’s like a pile of wet logs, and it’s not going to do anything for you. When you throw garbage on a damp pile of wood, it’s going to become a heap of wet mess. You can’t start a fire with that. All you get is wet logs and moldy garbage. All you get is fat. That’s what happens when you throw junk food, processed sugar, and all those other foods you know you probably shouldn’t eat, into a body with a slow metabolism. You accumulate fat and more fat and nothing seems to burn.
But you don’t want excess fat. You want lean muscle. You want energy, healthy hormones, balanced cholesterol, excellent blood sugar levels, and stunning hair, skin, and nails. You want to radiate health and enjoy the process of getting there. You want to look and feel amazing, but you’re sick of depriving yourself.
No problem! Just fix that damp pile of logs. Dry them out, add the right kindling, spray on some lighter fluid, and light a match. Get it burning again, build it into a roaring fire, and you’ll be able to eat food like a “normal”person. You’ll be able to eat the way you see other people eating, the way you thought you could never eat again.
The problem for many of my clients, and quite possibly you, is that if you are overweight and have spent a lifetime dieting to get it under control (likely unsuccessfully in the long term), the very thing you thought would help you has actually been hurting you. Long-term chronic dieting dampens your metabolism, your inner fire, turning it slowly, year by year, into that pile of wet logs. The less you eat, the more your metabolism cools, and the less you will be able to eat tomorrow.
That’s precisely the reason some people can’t lose weight even though they don’t eat very much. Their metabolic flame has died out, and they can’t get it lit again, the logs are wet, the garbage has piled up, and the whole process has become dysfunctional.
They need a jump start. They need to be reignited.
They need what you hold in your hands: The Fast Metabolism Diet.
It all began with a couple of sheep. I’m not kidding! You see, I’m an aggie—that’s someone with an education in agricultural science. I was very involved in FFA, Future Farmers of America. I’m a science dork, and my bachelor’s degree is not, as you might expect, in food science. It’s in animal science. That’s where I first began to understand that food can be used, systematically and purposefully, to shape the body the way a sculptor shapes a lump of clay.
I’ve always been fascinated by how things work, and especially by how the body works. But I was also obsessed with animals, and I thought maybe I could handle the complicated puzzles veterinary science would present. So, at a young age, I decided to be a veterinarian.
In college, my course work was heavily weighted toward animal science. In fact, Temple Grandin (best-selling author, animal science professor, and noted livestock industry consultant) was one of my advisers and a personal mentor. I took classes on sheep production, beef production, livestock feeding, and animal