, was the unanimous reply from Rolmar and Glemnir.
Orakis rose from his seat and thought: This meeting has reached its conclusion. Let us go and attend to our duties.
When Rolmar left Bremsa it was dark outside, and the five moons of Pentar were clearly visible in the night sky. He admired the view for a few minutes before stretching out his wings and taking to the air. As Rolmar flew toward home, the light from the five crescents illuminated his body, making him shine like new silver.
Rolmar’s home was hidden within a mountainous area in the Etomidrain region of Pentar. As he flew over troves of blue mountains, Rolmar spotted a familiar grouping of three formations. He made his way to the base of the central mountain, whose entrance was invisible. The opening would only appear when the proper mental command was used. It was impossible for a person to stumble upon it by accident, for the base of the mountain was completely solid until the door came into being, as it were. Rolmar thought the word Nostrum, and this made the enormous doorway manifest itself. He stepped inside and touched a square, stony protrusion on a wall just beyond the entryway. Light immediately bathed the dwelling, which was an enormous cavern made entirely of unrefined, green marble. Just beyond the entryway lay the main area of the cave, whose only movables were a table and chair, appropriate for the demon’s large size. Several passageways, which were radial offshoots from this open area, led to other rooms. Rolmar walked over to the table and set his metal card on its dark-green surface. After regarding the item for a few moments and stretching his tired limbs, he made his way to the leftmost passageway, which led to his sleeping chambers.
The room was Spartan to say the least; its only furniture was a small, three-legged table carved from malachite. On one of the walls was a hexagonal recess, which glowed an eerie yellow when Rolmar walked over to it. Almost immediately his body was replaced by a white cloud of smoke that funneled its way into the recess. Though this wasn’t sleeping in the conventional sense, it provided Rolmar with the rest that he needed; Pentarian souls are noncommittal, and staying in one form for too long produces wear on them.
The metal card sat lonely on the table in the front room. An image of the beautiful, blue planet—known as Vestar to the Pentarians—was rendered on its surface. There was a section on the card that contained alternate names for the planet. In this section were the following words inscribed in pewter ink: Tramnir, Immocus, and Earth.
T he journey draws near.
The demon made his way through the cavernous abode until he reached a seemingly unremarkable, large room. When Rolmar passed over the threshold, the room sprang into being; an eerie glow bathed the expansive area and a large, floor-to-ceiling bookshelf appeared. The books weren’t actually resting on the shelf; each book floated two centimeters above its respective resting spot. The bookshelf itself was puzzling. From afar it seemed to end at the ceiling, but when one approached the shelf it became more pyramidal in nature. By the time the demon was only a few inches from it, the top of the shelf seemed to reach toward infinity.
Rolmar muttered a few demonic words that caused a golden sphere to materialize in the room. The appearance of the object created a rip through time and space, leaving a loud resonance in its wake. Seven books flew off the shelf and dematerialized into the sphere, the interior of which could be likened to a vortex. The books were about Earthlings and had been written by demons that had traveled to the planet. The volume Rolmar had taken from Bremsa’s library was also committed into the abysmal sphere. Once this was done, Rolmar backed away from the shelf, and it took on a normal appearance again—a dizzying sight for any normal onlooker. The high demon of Pentar left the room, and the area
G.B. Brulte, Greg Brulte, Gregory Brulte