really are and parenting them in a manner that goes against their true nature. Over time, this pattern of parenting finally convinces a child that they are inherently flawed. That is why adults all over the world mistrust their true natures. Because their true natures were never validated and honored, they did not allow themselves to develop a personality congruent with who they really were. These adults have trained themselves to “be” someone they are not! Somewhere deep inside, they believe they are not really good enough. How painful and limiting! This is no fault of our parents. They were raised by people who didn’t ultimately understand their true natures either!
What All the Frustration Really Means During my weekly Better Parenting radio show podcast, I have helped parents worldwide discover that most of the conflict between them and their children results from a lack of understanding of who their children really are and what they really need. Parents all over the world encounter situations that stump them, and many of their dilemmas boil down to one frustrating pattern. Children resist parenting styles that run contrary to their true nature. Parents feel frustrated and confused because their approach should work because it “feels right” to them, or because it worked for their parents. The parent then tries to get a child to comply through discipline. This may achieve the short-term result the parent wants, but it does not support a child in creating inner confidence and self-love.
Here’s Your Parenting Pop Quiz Answer these questions honestly to discover whether you are inadvertently wounding your child by not knowing how to parent them true to their nature: Have you ever wished your child would just stop doing something they always do? Does your child ever withdraw from you, either physically or emotionally? Do you ever feel drained and frustrated as a parent at the end of the day because of a way your child behaves? Do you ever look at other people’s kids and wonder what’s wrong with yours? Do you wonder how to get your children to stop fighting? Have you ever said, “I just don’t understand this kid”? Do you want your child to respect you and listen to you? Are you experiencing a child that is rebellious? Does your child seem distant from you? Are you experiencing your child throwing tantrums on a regular basis? Do you ever say to yourself, “I just don’t know what to do with this child!”? Do you ever perceive your child as a “problem child”? Do you talk to others on a regular basis about how hard your child is to deal with and that you just don’t understand why? Do you get angry and yell at your child more than you would like? Do you feel you have to threaten your child a lot to get them to respond and behave? Do you feel you have to constantly stay on top of your child to get things done? If you answered yes to one or more of the questions above, don’t worry or feel bad. Just recognize that it’s time—time to stop accidentally wounding your child and time to start raising them in a way that honors and supports you both. You may not see how your answers to those questions may wound your child. Or maybe you do. Either way, you will know what to do about them by the end of this book. You will see that parenting doesn’t have to be a frustrating experience. You will learn how to encourage and support the very best in your child easily and joyfully—and true to their nature. You will be a Child Whisperer and your children will be grateful that you are.
What is a Child Whisperer?
T he term whisperer became popular when the 1998 movie The Horse Whisperer depicted a philosophy of working with horses based on an understanding of how horses think and communicate. This philosophy trained both horse and human to accept one another and work responsively together. One of the goals of a horse whisperer is to make the animal feel secure around humans so that horse and rider can