some rest just to make sure they’re on track.”
Mark nodded . “Good. Get that second crew in here, and then go get some rest yourself. I’m getting to the point that I can’t think straight.”
Mark rose from his crouched position and patted Dan on the shoulder , then limped off toward the maglovator.
Dan watched him disappear into the sliding doors , then turned back to his crew. “Okay I’m going to call in a replacement crew now. You guys go get some rest, you’ve earned it.”
“Thank you , Sir,” was muttered over and over again by the bone weary group.
Dan touched the sleeve of his jacket once again, connecting to the communications web aboard the ship. “Sledge to engineering lab, I need a replacement crew on deck seven immediately to continue engine repairs. I’m awaiting their arrival.”
Mark arrived at his quarters and walked in. The room was empty. ‘Where’s Ari?’ he thought silently. He tapped his sleeve once more. “Johnson to communications.”
A young woman’s voice replied, “This is communications, Miss Wallflower speaking.” Mark knew who she was and besides her rather comical last name she was the model of efficiency and decorum. She stood five feet five inches tall with long brown hair. She was pretty and she did a good job. “Miss Wallflower, where is Miss O’Connor?”
“Miss O’Connor is outside the ship with the survey team Sir, reconnoitering the area.”
He cursed quietly under his breath. “Get me a direct link to her please.”
“Will do , Sir,” Wallflower replied.
An instant la ter Wallflower called him again. “Sir, I have Miss O’Connor.”
“Very well , Miss Wallflower, thank you.” Mark paused a second until he heard a faint beep from his suits sleeve, then he asked, “Ari, what are you doing? I told you to stay on the command deck.”
“Mark, everything’s fine . I just wanted to get off the ship for a few minutes, that’s all. I’m out here breathing the fresh air. There’s a science team with me looking over the flora and fauna. I have to say it’s surprisingly Earth-like.”
“That’s not a bad thing ,” he shrugged. “What about life signs, did we pick any up?”
“ No one is sure. They’re picking something up, but it’s muted or masked.”
“What’s doing that and is it natural?”
“Unknown, Mark.”
Mark paced about his room a second in thought then added, “Okay, how about you getting back up here and joining me while I get Monroe out there to head up the investigation.”
“I beat ya to it, tough guy. Monroe is with me already looking into things . She says it’s going to be a while before anything concrete is decided.”
“All right . I’ll call her when I click off with you. Now come back inside, please?”
“Okay party pooper, will do .”
“Good . I’ll talk to you in a minute.”
He clicked his shirt sleeve above his wrist once more and said, “Madison Monroe.”
Instantly a rather pleasant female voice replied, “Madison Monroe here.”
“Madison, this is Mark Johnson. I want you and your team to stay close to the ship. If you find anything troublesome or in any way dangerous I want you all back inside here pronto, understand?”
“Yes Sir, I got it.”
“Good, be careful out there , Madison.”
“Will do , Sir,” came her curt reply.
Mark disconnected the contact. But almost instantly the comm unit within his shirt sleeve pulsed light softly and buzzed quietly. He tapped it again and saw Ariel’s name appear in a hologram above his right arm.
He tapped his sleeve once more. “What is it, Ari? Are you back on board yet?”
“Nope,” her voice re plied. “I had a better idea. How about you come out and visit me out here? It’s kind of nice out here. Serene even.”
“Ariel…” he began , instantly annoyed. He had been on edge for days, weeks even, and this was not helping.
“He y tough guy, how about just coming outside and taking a few deep breaths? The