unkempt and fluffy bits at the sides. He usually wore little round glasses but in the morning, he could cope without for a while. According to the predicted charts, I would follow his build, and I suppose I would inherit his hairline, as well. He sat and ate breakfast at the kitchen table after he had cleared a space from old newspapers and comics. I explained what had happened the day before with the gang grabbing Giles, the car accident and my running away.
“Don’t worry about running off. I will give Giles’ dad a call later. Best not to get involved in these types of things,” he said, munching on his cornflakes as he glanced up from an old newspaper.
Later on, after he spoke with Giles’ dad, he came in and switched off the TV in the living room and sat on the sofa opposite ready to talk.
“Giles’ mum was arrested for dangerous driving, and they are pursuing a case of kidnapping against the O’Keefes as well,” he said.
A small smile broke across my face on hearing the O’Keefes weren’t going to get away it.
“Is Giles okay?” I asked.
“He is fine but the boy his mum hit, Liam, is in hospital still. They doubt he will walk again,” he said grimly.
I knew it was going to be bad, as soon as I saw him motionless on the ground after he bounced over the roof. Again, I couldn’t contain a smile, revenge at last, even if it was an accident. My pleasure at his paralysis quickly turned to worry and I immediately started to sweat. I knew it would mean consequences for Giles and I, as the O’Keefes weren’t a forgiving family. They would be hell bent on revenge for Liam’s accident and angry about the kidnapping charges. Things were going to get messy.
“Liam is part of that gang; they will come after us,” I said.
“Probably but they don’t realise you are involved. Good thing you ran away. It will be best if you don’t see Giles for a while.”
Maybe he was right. Maybe I would be okay but I needed to speak with Giles and redeem myself for walking away at the front gates.
“I can’t just abandon him now. We have been friends for years.”
“I know but this is your exam year. You can’t afford to get involved, and we need to keep you out of sight.”
“You will be a key witness in the trial against the O’Keefes. If they are found guilty, it should go a long way to clearing Linda’s name of dangerous driving. I have told Giles’ dad that there will be no contact from now on until things settle down. This includes at school. It’s best for everyone.”
“You can’t do this.”
“I can and I have. This isn’t up for debate. It’s only you and me, and I can’t be around to watch out for you during the day if they come after you,” he said, raising his voice and standing up to exert his authority.
I stormed off upstairs and put some music on to drown him out. Yet again, everything came down to him. However, he couldn’t stop me contacting Giles. I decided to email him but the computer wouldn’t connect.
“I have disconnected your Internet connection,” Dad shouted up the stairs, “and I am taking your phone.”
I couldn’t speak with Giles and I had no other friends. I spent the rest of the week stuck inside the house. I only left once to give my statement at the police station. The rest of the time, I played on my computer, listened to music and even studied for something to do. Anything had to be better than sitting around reliving the car crash in my mind. The memory lingered of Liam bouncing over the bonnet of the car and smashing the windscreen. Patrick lay on the ground next to the car and the smell of sick from when I threw up. I kept worrying about what would happen on returning to school, and at least studying helped immerse and distract myself from my pending problems.
After the holiday, I returned to school. I came into class late and signed in. Chaos regained as usual. Students threw paper balls about and their phones beeped and rang.