he’d checked the watch had been within the realm of “on time” and the fourth instance, had shown him a clock face that was popularly referred to as “fashionably late.” At twenty minutes after his wedding was to have started, however, it couldn’t be called anything other than “late.”
Considering it was his wedding day, Thearon could have rationalized that the bride may have wanted some extra time to fuss and fix herself to meet the two strangers she would be marrying. That is, if Thearon hadn’t just been informed that his bride had arrived at exactly five o’clock on the dot. Now, he was left pacing before his own wedding, wondering if the other groom had stood him up.
Groom. Even though he had known his entire life he would be marrying both a man and a woman, it still didn’t sit well with him. That it was the man who was late for the wedding, was simply unacceptable. Thearon did not have time for this.
Looking up and down the cultured marble hallway, Thearon found himself in possession of a rare commodity: free time. Granted, it was time he wasn’t supposed to have free but he was still left with no connection to his email or the security system, for the first time in years.
He sighed, being Omega was more difficult than anyone understood because he was responsible for the military side. The leadership required meant that he spent his days sifting through threats against the Tribe constantly. It was hard to spend your days fearful for the lives you were born to protect, even harder was to look at most people with an air of suspicion and paranoia.
Thearon knew it made him seem hard and cold, even to Parker, the one person in this world who might understand what he was going through. But because of the sensitivity of most of the threats, Thearon had to keep many a secret. It was sad that Parker wasn’t the wiser for Thearon’s victories, as they were battles fought in secret. In the end, Thearon thought that Parker probably believed Thearon did very little during his day, because Thearon simply did his job well. Since his coronation, the Tribe had enjoyed a period of peace, something he couldn’t receive credit for it, was yet another trial to bear.
Thearon tried to relax by walking up and down the patterned hallway alternately skimming the checkerboard pattern of the white and beige marble and glancing up at the formal portraits of the royal families that had come before him. As his mind started to relax, he admitted that there was a part of him that was relieved by the sharing of a wife.
Honestly, Thearon could barely juggle his commitments as Omega as a single Werebear with a mistress, much less if he had to add a wife into the mix. Sharing the husbandly duties with Parker would cut his matrimonial commitment in half. If he added the relaxed relationship with his mistress to the mix, it would be like having half a wife. Thearon thought he could swing that with some simple changes to his schedule.
Violet had been one of the original picks for handmaiden before his wife-to-be had chosen another woman. After Violet was let go, she’d been left between jobs and had just enough of the Queen’s sexual training to be interesting to Thearon. For years, she had lived in an apartment just outside of the royal grounds and adhered to a schedule of Thearon’s needs. She was also open to extra visits, so long as she had an hour’s lead time. For this, Thearon paid Violet an allowance and allowed her to stay in the apartment he owned for the purposes of a mistress.
Thearon knew Parker would be furious to know he was tainting the reputation of the LeKing royalty with the scandal of a mistress, but Thearon needed one place where he could go that was separate from his role as Omega. Well, not that Violet ever forgot he was Omega. It was more that his time with her was quiet and short. She asked few questions and it gave Thearon’s mind a break. He was happy with her, though, at their last meeting she