better, stronger and yet weaker. He cannot control this new gift. ”
“That much is obvious,” said Iva n. “He killed his own Catawitch and kidnapped our friend.”
“It is not his fault,” insisted Elisha. “His new powers will become stable in time.”
“W hat exactly are his new powers?” asked Ivan, wanting to know what they were up against.
“Stabbed him , he did. With a blade made of bone.”
“Co lby’s own father stabbed him?” clarified Sebastien.
Before Elisha could answer him, Ivan interrupted.
“The blade was made of bone, what kind of bone?”
Her eyes blazed with devotion as she spoke. “The bones of a dead Projector.”
“Seriously ?” Sebastien exclaimed.
“Meaning he has the powers of a Projector now?” questioned Ivan, making sure he understood what this meant.
Elisha nodded. “Master was already strong, but once he learns to control these news powers, he will be...”
“Unstoppable,” finished Sebastien.
“Even more powerful than Colin,” added Nona with a tone of shock.
“ And most likely unstable,” Ivan chimed in. “He didn’t come by these powers naturally. I cannot imagine how he will be able to control them, even with time.”
They grew silent for a moment, lost in the hideousness of what had been done to Colby. Good guy or bad guy, they would not wish this nightmare on anyone.
Ivan’s stomach turned . What kind of parent would do that to their child? Willingly! And to come by these uncontrollable powers in such an unnatural way... he dreaded to think how this might change a boy who already had a penchant for wreaking havoc.
Sebast ien wore a look of equal loathing. What exactly had the world of magic come to? When a father could so easily ruin the life of his own son? Was magic making everyone crazy? No, not magic. Just the whacked out idea that for some reason, they needed more of it than anyone else did.
Nona thought all these things as well, but her biggest concern lay with reuniting with Meghan. Being away from her felt wrong, empty, as if a gash had been seared onto her heart when their connection was severed.
“Elisha,” s aid Ivan slowly. “Just who is Colby’s father?”
She hissed, “Like you don’t already know. Why do you think Colby came here?” She plunked down, pouting. She wanted to leave, but where would she go? She eyed her companions with contempt. She needed their help to find her master.
Ivan let out a deep sigh, thoughts and theories falling into place.
“ Colby’s father is Jurekai Fazendiin, isn’t it?” Just the look on Elisha’s face confirmed his theory.
Seb astien let out a gagging sound, which Elisha ignored. She wasn’t a fan of Fazendiin’s right now, but if Colby could manage to control his new gift, he would return to his father as an insurmountable weapon, ready and willing to carry out any deed Fazendiin wanted done. And she would remain by Colby’s side, without question.
“That’s why Colb y came here, to find Meghan?” said Sebastien.
“Actually,” spoke the cattish voice of Elisha, “He came here to see his mother... Meghan just happened to be along the way.”
“Right, that makes sense now. They share the same mother and father,” said Sebastien.
“My head hurts,” said Ivan, shaking it. “So this kid Colby, and Meghan, are actually brother and sister, children of Jurekai Fazendiin. What about Colin? What are they? Triplets?”
“Yeah, um, about that,” mumbled Sebastien. “I sort of hadn’t had the time to mention that Colin is not really Meghan’s twin. I don’t think they’re even related.”
“What? Really?” said Nona. “But they can hear each other’s thoughts and...” she trailed off. “She will be so devastated...”
“How would she be devastated?” spouted Elisha. “Didn’t she betray him?”
No one answered but Nona hurled a low snarl at Elisha.
S he ignored it, growing bored and impatient. “If you’re all done catching up on the latest news, I