with me.
And I had given it one last shot. Now I could try to move on without regret—
being the operative word.
I still craved him with every fiber of my being. I hoped that would pass.
Opening my car door, I had just decided that I deserved ice cream and wine for supper, and that I would dine in a steaming-hot bubble bath, when I caught a shadow from the corner of my eye. I shrieked and jolted, my ankle folding in my high heel and sending me pitching forward.
The next thing I knew there were arms wrapping around me tightly, then I was lifted into a strong embrace. I screamed again, looking across the lot to where the parking attendant should have been.
The small, gray-haired old man was gone. In his place was Charles, and though the man’s face held a hint of sympathy, he didn’t look as though he would be coming to my aid anytime in the near future.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I shouted the words at the hard planes of Zach’s back, since I was draped over his shoulder unceremoniously. I relaxed immensely as soon as I realized it was him, but frustration and fury quickly replaced the fear. “I can walk, damn you.”
“You’re coming to my house.” Then he didn’t say anything more.
I upped the intensity of my kicks when we passed Charles, who held open the door to Zach’s private garage to let us pass.
I scowled at the older man. He looked away.
“Did you consider asking me whether or not I
to come to your house?” I tried not to enjoy the sensation of Zach’s rock-solid body pressed against mine. It was even more pleasurable when he slid me along the length of him until my feet touched the floor. I tried to break away, but he tightened his grasp and pinned me to the side of the car with his hips.
He was fully erect, and the heat of his rigid cock pressed into my belly.
“I considered it. Then I decided that I wasn’t in the mood to care one way or the other.” I gasped with outrage. As I sputtered, Zach opened the door to the backseat of the car, then lifted me from the waist and nudged me inside. I didn’t cooperate, and wound up on my knees on the hard floor, my hair tangled around my face, my cheeks flushed.
Zach climbed in after me, and after he calmly—gracefully—settled himself on one of the bench seats, he surveyed me as I glared up at him.
“You started this.” His reminder was calm, but didn’t take much fight out of me. I had so many things that I wanted to say to him, but I couldn’t even find a place to start.
“It’s like that, then, is it?” Bending, he grasped the neckline of my cardigan and pulled. Bits of the plastic buttons went flying, skittering into the corners of the car, and then the sweater hung open, baring my breasts.
“You have a choice. We can talk, or if you’re not in the mood for conversation, you can suck my cock. The decision is yours.” Those long hands of his loosened the dark purple silk of his tie, and then with another lightning-quick move he pulled me against him, tugged my arms behind my back, and looped the length of silk around my wrists securely.
I was stunned, and also aroused.
“I thought you said I had a choice!” My mouth was dry as I spoke. I knew, deep down I knew, that if I really wanted to I could refuse both choices and demand that the car be stopped, that I be let out.
I also knew, and Zach knew, that that wasn’t was I truly wanted.
“The choice is yours.” He smirked a bit, looking down at me seductively, though his eyes were deadly serious. “But even if we’re going to talk, I like looking at you like this, arms bound, breasts thrust forward.”
I moaned softly, not able to hold the sound back given my extreme arousal. Pressing my lips together in a tight line, I nodded toward his lap. “Open your pants.”
His expression darkened as I spoke, and my pulse skittered.
“You don’t get to make the rules here, little minx.” The warring emotions and arousal in his eyes, the