Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
anxiety, leaving you calm and refreshed. I love this spell and use it often.
    For help in casting these two spells, please see the
    next section. It covers all the steps to casting spells such as meditation, visualization, projection, timing, colors,
    ethical considerations, etc. and should give you a solid
    grounding in magical philosophy. If however, you are al-
    ready magically experienced, you may want to skip ahead
    to section 3 or just skim the next two chapters. Personally, I usually like to review the basics in books both with a
    critical eye and also to see other people’s take on the sub-

    For Better or Worse: Navigating the Supermarket 13
    ject of spell casting. It always gives me food for thought and it never hurts to brush up on the fundamentals.
    Section 2
    there are a number of skills and techniques that
    every spell caster should know and hopefully, mas-
    ter in order to perform successful magic. Meditation and
    the proper channeling of emotional energy are the most
    important skills to learn and this section will guide you
    through all of the exercises needed to become a profi-
    cient magical practitioner of this or any system of practical magic. In addition to the proper training of the mind, it is important to understand that as you send forth the
    energy of your spell, it radiates out into both the physical plane and into the astral plane as a means of manifesting
    your goal. The physical plane is of course, made up of the physical world and in this world everything emits an energy pattern of its own.

chapter 2
Magical Basics
    Mundane Considerations
    First of all, make sure that the phone is off and that you are not expecting company. Make sure that you are not
    overly hungry, thirsty or that you have to go to the bath-
    room. Additionally, it is a very good idea to keep a magi-
    cal journal or notebook in which you record each spell
    you cast, the date of casting, the type of spell it is, the moon phase and (later) the date on which the goal manifested itself. You, of course, can also include any personal thoughts you have about the magic. It is not a good idea
    to let others read your magical journal; keep it personal.
    Also, never speak of your magic to anyone before your
    goal manifests as this can cause problems. Other people’s
    energy can sometimes hinder you.
    20 Chapter 2
    If there is an abundance of energy that is contrary
    to your individual magical goal, then the current of your
    spell can be hindered and your results will be (at best) less effective than they could be. If however, you work with
    the energy currents of the physical world and match the
    rhythms of your intent to the rhythms of the earth and
    the moon, then your magic shall be enhanced instead of
    hindered. This is the basis for magical timing; to under-
    stand the natural currents of the world and to time your
    spells to coincide with the proper flow of worldly energy
    in order to manifest your magical goal.
    The simplest form of magical timing is to cast your spell
    during the proper phase of the moon for your magical
    intention. During the waxing moon (from new to full)
    is the time for positive, growth-related magic. The three
    days of the full moon are best for blessings, calling upon Goddess energy, and high energy (large-scale change)
    spells. During the waning moon (after the full moon all
    the way to the new moon) is the time to cast spells in-
    volving release, banishing, and dissolution. More on this
    in chapter 3.
    It is also best (but not totally necessary) to cast
    your spell during the correct season to enhance its ef-
    fects. Spring would correspond to the new moon, sum-
    mer would correspond to the full moon, autumn would
    correspond to the waning moon and winter would cor-

    Magical Basics 21
    respond to the dark moon (the three days right before
    the new moon). So, for example, the best time to cast a
    spell to banish a bad habit would be during the waning
    moon during

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