you on Earth tomorrow morning for the formal presentation. We’ll be holding a press conference on the steps of the capitol building in Geneva at eleven in the morning, so present yourself in full dress kit no later than nine. The paperwork is being transmitted for your executive officer’s clearance, and will probably be waiting for you. Get him briefed, then head planet-side.” The screen went blank without another word.
Captain Reordan muttered, “Damn,” as she checked her in box. Sure enough, Kellin Frazier’s full clearance was right on top. She pushed a stud on her com panel and he answered almost immediately.
“XO’s stateroom, Commander Frazier speaking.”
“Commander, come to my office. I have your clearance and I’m ready to brief you on our ship.”
“On my way, Captain,” he answered and the com clicked. The Marine at the door announced him a moment later and he came to attention in front of her desk. “Commander Frazier reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”
“Sit down, Commander. This is the story of our ship.” She waited until he was seated, then related the story as she had been told. His reaction was predictable.
He whispered, “A time machine?”
“A Temporal Cruiser. We are unlikely to be using her for interstellar flight, though. Not sure the drive can function like that anymore. But we will be making hyper-jumps to different time periods. Right now, you, me, Jarred Williamson and his twenty engineers, and Krystal McCormack are the only ones outside the upper echelons of the service and government who know about this. Even the few other crewmembers who’ve reported haven’t been told anything other than we’re refitting an old ship as a research vessel. Most of Jarred’s people came from the Chaffee , so they already knew most of it.”
She paused and shook her head. “I’ve been summoned dirt-side for the official announcement. Then I’ll find out what our directorate is actually called. I’ll take Krys with me—oh, I should mention that Krys McCormack and I served together on the Volochev twenty years ago. She was a Second Class when I was a JG acting as ComOfficer. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I requested her for this duty.”
“Understood, Captain. Damn. Time travel. Never thought it would really happen.”
“I’m pretty sure no one did. Like many great discoveries, it was a total accident, but we’re going to take full advantage of it. Now I’ve got to tell Krys that we’re going to a formal occasion—she’s gonna love it—and then go dig out my dress uniform.”
“I’ll keep our ship on an even keel while you’re gone, Captain,” Commander Frazier said as he came to attention.
“Very well, XO. Dismissed.” When Commander Frazier closed the door on his way out, Captain Reordan pushed the com button once again.
“Chief’s Quarters, Chief Samson speaking.”
“This is the captain. Is the COB there?”
There was a brief pause and then Master Chief McCormack’s voice came on. “COB.”
“COB, come to my office.”
“Aye, Ma’am.” It took less than two minutes before the Marine announced, “Chief of the Boat, Ma’am.”
“Send her in.”
Master Chief McCormack came to attention in front of the captain’s desk and said, “COB, reporting as ordered, Ma’am.”
“Fuel your kitty again, Krys, then lay out your dress whites.” She pushed the replay on her com unit and let Krystal see and hear the message. “We’re going to play dress-up and go to a party.”
Master Chief McCormack’s grin was as wide as her face. “Oh, Erica, you know me soooo well. We going tonight or in the morning?”
“Tonight. I contacted Space Port Geneva for rooms while I was waiting, but they are already booked due to the ceremony. It was only announced an hour ago, but you know how bureaucrats are. So, being the kind captain that I am, I arranged two rooms at the Avalon.”
Krystal’s grin grew even wider. “The last