Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents)

Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents) Read Free Page B

Book: Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents) Read Free
Author: T.N. Baker
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was fucking on it, was needed. There was no doubt that he still loved Keisha with all his heart, but at that moment he wished her dead. Mali would understand and never sugarcoat anything just to spare his best friend's feelings; he would give it to him raw and be honest about it. Once he got to his room he plopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling until he finally fell asleep. At about six in the morning, Tucker's cell phone and two-way started going off like crazy. He ignored the first few rings, assuming it was Keisha ready to plead her case, but after tossing and turning to the vibrating sound of his two-way and the constant ringing of his cell, he became annoyed and finally went to answer his phone. The caller id said Momma D.
    'Maybe the nigga stayed at his Mother's house last night,' he thought picked up the cell. He heard the unbearable sounds of a mother's cry. His heart ached instantly. Afraid of the possibilities, he hesitated for a moment.
    "Momma D, what is it, what's wrong?"
    "O lawd, lawd, lawd, my son is gone, he's dead Tucker.
    Malikai is dead. The police came and wanted me to go identify his body. But I just can't. Tucker what I'ma do now--my only boy is gone--what I'ma do?" She asked.
    Tucker was crushed. 'This can't be' he thought. There was nothing he could say or do that would ease Mrs. McKenzie's pain.
    "Momma D, get dress! I'm on my way to get you," was all he said before ending the call. In disbelief he called Mali's cell repeatedly and got the voicemail each time just like he did when he tried to reach him last night.
    "Nah, Mali not you dawg." Tucker mumbled.
    Malikai wasn't only a business partner to Tucker, he was like his own flesh and blood--the only nigga he could trust with his life, money, girl and his kid. Mali trusted him just the same. He was a genuine dude. Tucker knew this for a fact because he tested his loyalty on several occasions and Malikai passed every time with flying colors. He was alone in this world, for real now.
    He got up out of the hotel bed, got dress and headed over to Momma D 's house. She opened the door wearing a wrinkled dress, mixed matched shoes and her wig was on crooked. She was an emotional wreck. Tucker didn't know what else to do beside wrap his arms tightly around Momma D to console her.
    "Momma D, come on we gotta go do this, maybe it ain't him," Tucker said trying to be hopeful for the both of them.
    "No Tucker, I...I can't go see my son lying dead on some cold metal table with his brains all over the place. I just can't and I won't. The police already showed me his picture anyway.
    I know it's him. The streets done took my son from me; this cruel world done killed him. All I had left is gone. I just buried my husband two years ago and now I gotta bury my son. No, you go for me Tucker, you were like a brother to him and I can't see my boy looking like that, I just can't." Mrs. Delores had always been like a mother to Tucker, especially ever since his moms past away when he was eleven. She never treated him as anything less than a son and he depended on her for the motherly love she gave to him. She was such a sweet old lady, the type that would feed you a good hot meal if you were hungry and give you half of her last dollar if you needed it. Tucker had mad love and respect for her. He even gave her the nicknames Momma D and Mom Dukes-- both short for Delores, her first name. So, to see her suffering caused Tucker a great deal of pain. He planted a kiss on her forehead and headed for the morgue. On his way there, it was so ironic that Puffy's tribute to Biggie, 'I'll be missing you,' was playing on the radio.
    Tucker refused to believe it until he saw him. He phoned his boys from the Dirty South, Peewee and Cornell, to tell them the news. Everything became a reality when he stepped into the morgue. Tucker's body caught an instant chill from the cool temperature in the place and the smell of dead people gave him a nauseating feeling. The coroner asked

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