breath, and when he returned he said look at me! When I did, he had his gun pointed at me."
"What happened next Sara?"
"I don't know. When I woke up I was in the hospital."
"Is the man that did that to you here in the court room today?"
"Yes." Sara pointed to the officer.
"Let the record show that Ms. Stevens has pointed to the defendant. No further questions your
Ho nor."
"Your witness defense."
"Ms. Stevens, I have no doubt that you have not suffered tremendously. I applaud you for your strength and will to live. You are a true inspiration to women just like yourself."
"Thank You."
"Ms. Stevens, so you openly testify that you and Officer Davis were at a bar and that you had been drinking. You also testified that you could tell yourself that you had too much to drink, so you were intoxicated."
"Isn't it possible that Officer Davis did take you home just like he testified, and that after he left you went for a walk? Maybe to get that fresh air that you testified you needed."
"NO! That’s not what happened."
"Really? You testified that you were so intoxicated that you couldn't even open your eyes when the truck stopped. Isn't it possible in your drunken state you walked away from the home that Officer Davis had taken you to? Isn't it possible that your assault that nobody here doubts happened, couldn't it of happened by somebody else."
"NO, NO, NO! He did it, he did it! I was drunk! I admit it! But drunk or not I know who assaulted me."
“ Ms. Stevens, you said in your statement to the police that he had used his hand gun. That it was black and looked like what most cops use. His gun was tested and did not match the bullet that was pulled out of you. There is no way that he could have done this.”
“ That bullet might not have matched, and I don’t know a lot about guns. But I know who did this to me.” She forced the words from between her teeth.
"Hm-mm, no further questions your honor."
"We will take a recess and adjourn in one hour."
Sara stepped off the stand and her knees were so weak that she couldn't hold her own weight and tumbled to the floor. Her mother rushed to her side and helped her outside.
"You did good baby you did it. It’s over, now they will put that SOB where he belongs. Behind bars." The hour didn't last nearly long enough. About the time Sara was getting calmed down the prosecutor was telling them it was time to go back.
"Has the jury reached a verdict in this matter?" The judge asked.
A man stood and said "Yes." He handed a piece of the paper to an officer and he took it to the judge to read. When the judge was finished reading it silently, he read it out loud. Time stood still; there wasn't a sound in the court room.
"In the matter of the State of Texas vs. Officer Corey Davis, the jury has found you not guilty in the matter of attempted rape in the first degree, not guilty in the matter of attempted murder, and not guilty in the charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Officer Davis, you are hereby free to go."
The court room erupted in joyous applauds and laughter. Sara watched in devastation. His fellow officers hugging and shaking his hand. He stood to leave the court room but before he did, he stopped next to Sara and let an evil grin brush his lips. "I'm terribly sorry that happened to you Ms. Stevens." It was as he was mocking her. He had told her this would happen. He told her he would never be found guilty of this. He was right.
Sara wanted to curl up and die. She wished that bullet would have just been a little to the left and it would of hit her heart instead of her lung and it would of been over
Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson