Jerry?” I press.
“Yes, about two minutes after I spoke to you on the phone.”
“Good,” I say again, then I add, “I’m sorry, but I still don’t see why you couldn’t fire him years ago when you wanted to…”
“Because of you,” he says, believing his meaning to be clear.
“I don’t understand,” I say, shaking my head.
“It occurred to me that if I fired him, I might never see you again.”
I have to let that sink in for a moment… This man has been thinking about me for two years! I don’t know whether to be afraid or to swoon. Swoon , the voice in my head tells me, and obediently I do. I can’t believe it! He’s been patiently putting up with my arrogant dick-of-an-ex for years, all in the hope of seeing me ! This successful, gorgeous, perfect man wanted to see me !
My mouth drops involuntarily open. “You endured two years with him just so you could see me again?” I exclaim. “I must owe you a huge apology for that!” I say sarcastically.
He laughs, enjoying my humour, which, incidentally, is something that Jerry never did.
“From that AABD party until two days ago, I’ve been waiting for you to breakup, so that I could ask you out,” he courageously confesses. Then he sighs with a slight smile on his lips, and it’s as though telling me this allows him to get it off his chest. Like it’s a burdensome goal he’s finally achieved; a target he’s been aiming for, for two years, which he can finally let down. Well done, Logan, you finally got me.
Another part of me blanches. It didn’t occur to me that this might be a date! I would’ve worn heels for starters…and a tighter dress.
I finally find my voice. “That’s flattering, Logan. Thank you,” I say.
He smiles, evidently relieved by my response. I can see why he would be nervous to tell me that. Between two other people his words might have come across as over-keen, stalkery even, but not between Logan and I. The charge that lies potent between us excuses his over-sharing, turning it into something else, something romantic, something I needed to hear without even knowing it.
In my shocked state of flattery I don’t know what else to say. I wouldn’t mind sitting here staring at him for the rest of our time together, but I know that my face, which I’m sure is already flaming, couldn’t withstand the redness that that would ensue.
Logan saves my blushes. He asks me where I lived in the US, and we’re off. I tell him all about my life in Florida and then about how and why my move to Paris happened. I tell him also that after my mother’s marriage to my stepfather broke down she joined me here, setting up a boutique hair salon for expats.
“She’s brilliant at it,” I say affectionately. “I suppose it helps that she can talk for days.”
“That’s always a good sign for a hairdresser,” Logan agrees and I smile, nodding.
“I’m very proud of her,” I tell him.
“And what about your father?” he asks.
“Dead. Died when I was very young. I don’t remember him much,” I tell the story quickly.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he says, his eyes observing me softly.
I shrug and am saved any further discussion of the subject when the waitress delivers us our food and wine.
“Merci,” Logan says and she blushes. Clearly it’s not just me who is enthralled by him. He takes a whiff of his wine, then examines his food, instinctively reaching for his cutlery. I watch him and wonder how he manages to be so graceful and poised, at the same time as being so damn sexy and enticing. It’s a beautiful, somewhat contradictory mixture. It’s a gift, I think. Heat rises within me as Logan licks his lips. I feel like steam might soon start issuing from me. I need to cool way down, so ignoring the most expensive glass of wine I’ve ever bought, I reach for my freezing glass of cola.
“What do you do to let off stream?” I blurt out, as Logan indicates to me that I should tuck into my food.
“Oh, uh, I