important portion of the project, that of categorizing the various life forms to be found here. Um, when you read the handbook, you will find that we didn’t divide the project up along the uh, usual lines, uh, because of the, uh... well, I suppose the best way to explain it is to show you some pictures.”
He looked down uncertainly at the glowing buttons on his podium. Just as one of the watching scientists started to get up to help him, his fingers flashed into motion, the lights dimmed, and the screen behind him came alive.
“There is a peculiar regionalization of species here, marine as well as land dwellers. As is usually the case with land dwellers, each continent appears to have its own separate groups of species. But unlike Earth, there seems to have been very little intermingling of continental groups almost from the inception of land life here.”
A series of videos was flashing on the screen behind him as he spoke. A very professional presentation, Imelda decided. Definitely not a bumbling fool.
“...When CHA received the first reports from the Scout ship that discovered this planet, they requested that the Scouts spend additional time in aerial surveys. The reason this project came into being is that while aerial surveys suggested an evolutionarily advanced carbon-based biosphere, they were not useful in classifying even plants versus animals clearly. There is hope that we may discover entirely new sets of biochemical pathways here! A potential major new source of profit for our company...!”
Imelda squelched a growing desire to go back to her apartment. Igor was surely getting panicky by now alone in a strange place. He might have even trashed that horrid green couch. She really didn’t need this lesson in basic biology. So, Iagan beasties looked weird when you peeped at them through a telescope. So what? The exobiologist’s maxim still held. Tissue will tell. All they needed was tissue.
Caldwell looked around at the group. “We will not be zoologists or botanists here. We will not be entomologists or ichthyologists here. We will all be biologists in the true sense of the word.”
A female voice interrupted him. “That may be true for higher species, but what about the primordial types, microscopic and slightly larger? You will keep the microbiology division separate?”
Caldwell stared at her for long moments. “Um, cultures of the atmosphere have all remained negative.”
A buzz greeted that statement. “All planets have microscopic life. That’s how life begins. You can’t maintain ecological balance without microscopic life. What about...?”
Dr. Caldwell interrupted apologetically. “I, um, make no conclusions. I am merely giving you data.” He paused a long minute, apparently collecting his thoughts.
A rather eager but confused looking young man on the first row interjected. “But why no intermingling? Are you saying there has been no tectonic drift of the continents?”
His chain of thought interrupted again, Caldwell stared at him for long seconds. “Um, it would appear so. The geologists will be working on that question.”
Another long pause followed. Imelda decided that it wasn’t wise to interrupt Dr. Caldwell if one wanted to have a short conference. He cleared his throat.
“Even more confusing, the preliminary marine surveys have also revealed a striking regionalization of species, to the extent that every set of observations look as though they could have come from different planets. We won’t be able to verify these observations, of course, until we begin groundbase observation. Only then, when we obtain tissue specimens and genetic assays, will we be able to get an idea of how completely each regional group is separated.”
A buzz of conversation followed. Caldwell was exaggerating the problem just for the sake of drama. Maybe she could sneak out. She wasn’t too far from the