movement to legitimize the defense of myself. i am a woman of color. my bones have been bought and sold every morning. so, now i carry a machete in my mouth. –– ivory
i loved you because it was easier than loving myself. –– runaway
as a child there was either books or pain. i chose books. –– how i became a writer
some words build houses in your throat. and they live there. content and on fire.
you say ‘you are such a ‘good writer’ for a woman of color.’ i hear ‘you have a better command of the english language than i do. my bitterness is wild salt in my blood causing my organs to crush and weep and this is the sound of my pain.’ –– translation | white noise
remember. you were a writer before you ever put word to paper. just because you were not writing externally. does not mean you were not writing internally. –– stories
illegitimate children is such a foreign concept to me. i was born from my mother and i am here. that is all the legitimacy i need. –– the bastard construct
knowing your power is what creates humility. not knowing your power is what creates insecurity. –– ego
if we wanted to. people of color could burn the world down. for what we have experienced. are experiencing. but we don’t. –– how stunningly beautiful that our sacred respect for the earth is deeper than our rage
if i have never seen you cry. if you do not cry. if you do not value or respect the needs of your water. you and i can not form. if you can not allow your own being to wash over you. how will mine ever make it past your skin. –– available
beautiful is the highest compliment you can pay a woman. i watch women dive. to the ground. eat it. stand up. and smile. –– shame
if you can not hear them. ask the ancestors to speak louder. they only whisper so as not to frighten you. they know they have been convinced. coerced. spooked. from your skin. –– communication
weather is the earth’s emotions. she is obviously enraged. –– sentient
there are some wounds. only africa can heal. –– in us
a lie is simply a lie. it draws its strength from belief. stop believing in what hurts you. –– power
your words walk down my back. this is how you leave me. –– vertebrae
will you always be this pain in me. will you always hurt.
you must put healing on the list. the grocery list. the to do list. the night list. because you are teaching your baby the very same chemistry that took your eyes and heart when you were four. –– the list
you are your own standard of beauty. –– mirror work
make sure they have fallen in love with your spirit. first. your body. second. –– the fragrance of your laughter
i am often broken into language. whether i want to speak or not.
i fell apart many times. so. what does that say about me besides i live through wars.
my ancestors made sure i was born the color of their eyes. –– sight
have you ever heard a black woman weep over her skinmurdered child. it is the splitting of atoms. it is billions of voices screaming their children’s names through her death wail. –– trayvon martin ii
do you think calling me ‘angry’ is an insult. every time you call me ‘angry’ i hear your voice salt with guilt and i laugh. look how easy it is to reveal you. –– anger is a healthy and natural response to oppression
it’s not about making you uncomfortable. it’s about making me comfortable. –– reparations
i think one of the most pathological things i have ever seen is stabbing someone and then telling them that their pain and anger over being stabbed is making you sad. –– white guilt
you can not remain a war between what you want to say (who you really are) and what you should say (who you pretend to be) you mouth was not designed to eat