the idea up to Jeffrey but he quickly shot it down. There was too much work to be done at the firm. He couldn’t afford to take a week off for some meaningless vacation. There would be plenty of time for travelling once they had really established themselves in their careers. It had really hurt her when he said that line about a meaningless vacation. What could possibly be meaningless about it, if they were spending time together? And that’s when she started to question the point of being in a relationship if they couldn’t even spend time together. And especially on the night that he knew was really important to her. Sure, it wasn’t their third wedding anniversary. They’d been dating for three years but they still were not engaged. And they’d been living in the same apartment for the last year. But marriage was one of the subjects that Jeffrey refused to talk about. Every time she tried to bring it up, he would frown and wave his hands in front of his face. A few months ago she happened to see Jeffrey’s phone sitting on the couch. She didn’t think much of it at first. But then it started beeping, non-stop. Someone was clearly sending him lots of texts. She thought that maybe it was a family member or something. His mother had recently spent a couple weeks in the hospital. And the first thought she had was that something might have happened to her. So when she went to pick up the phone she was not snooping on him. But what she saw were definitely not texts from anyone in his family. There were texts from a Jessica, a Mandy, and a Chloe. Her heart sank when she saw those names. She had to find out who those girls were and why they were talking to him. The first few messages sent waves of jealousy flooding through her body. There were some very suggestive texts sent back and forth, but before she had time to scroll through all of the messages and really get a feel for the nature of the relationship, she heard the front door opening. For a moment her body froze. Her mind went blank. She had no idea what to do. She considered running. She considered throwing the phone across the room. But all she did was stand there while the door opened and Jeffrey burst back into the apartment. She dropped the phone on the couch in the exact place where she had picked it up. Jeffrey rushed into the apartment without saying anything to her and nearly knocked her out of the way as he went straight for his phone. He didn’t even look at the screen. He stuffed it straight in his pocket and turned to head out again. She thought that was really weird. He never acted like that. So she decided to call after him. “Hey Jeffrey, is everything all right?” He turned around slowly and glared at her. Then he sighed and lowered his eyes. She walked towards him and put her arms around him and once again asked him if everything was all right. He sighed again before raising his eyes to meet hers. She grew really worried that something was wrong. Maybe those texts, at least some of them, did have to do with his mother. “It’s Mom,” he said burying his head in her shoulder. “She has to go back to the hospital for more tests. The bills just keep adding up.” She ran my fingers through his hair and tried to comfort him as best she could. Then she wiped away a few tears that had begun to form in his beautiful, light green eyes. For the next hour they’d stayed on the couch, talking and crying. By the end of the day she had completely forgotten about the female names she’d found on his phone and the sexually suggestive texts that she’d seen. But now all these months later, those memories were coming back. And she felt as if all of her mind and body were being taken over by thoughts of jealousy.
Chapter 3
Austin woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his phone beeping. He felt certain that it was Tanya. About damn time, he said to himself. When he picked up the phone, he grunted in disappointment.