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Book: Remembered Read Free
Author: Tamera Alexander
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position might be—encouraged the emotion to rise in her throat. Véronique swallowed against the knot of anger and tears, and struggled to find the positive in this situation, just as her mother would have urged her to do. “Am I to assume that the remaining staff will stay and maintain the home’s readiness for the Marchands’ return?”
    He didn’t answer. His lips formed a tight line.
    “Christophe,” she whispered, growing more unsettled by the second. “We have always been honest with each other. Tell me what my new position is.”
    Staring at the floor of the carriage, he exhaled an audible breath. “After this week, you will . . . no longer be employed within the Marchand household. He has secured a position for you in the household of Lord Descantes, and they depart for England straightaway.”
    When summoned to Lord Marchand’s private study that same hour, Véronique gathered her remaining nerve and willed the frenetic pace of her heart to lessen. She always found the formal nature of Lord Marchand’s study intimidating, and the latching of the oversized door behind her compounded her unease.
    She spotted Christophe standing by the far window, his back to her. Lord Marchand had requested to meet with him first, and relief filled her, gathering that Christophe would remain for her meeting as well.
    “ Bonjour , Mademoiselle Girard.” Standing behind his desk, Lord Marchand motioned for her to sit in one of the mahogany gondola chairs opposite him.
    She paused long enough to curtsy, and then chose the seat that put her in Christophe’s direct line of vision. If only he would turn around.
    Lord Marchand said nothing for a moment, his hesitance giving her the impression that what he was about to say required great effort. “Monsieur Charvet has informed me that the two of you have spoken, Mademoiselle Girard. And that you are aware of the change in circumstances.”
    She nodded, wishing Christophe would look at her.
    “Before I continue, let me say that it was of utmost concern to me to locate a position for you that would reflect my appreciation for your years of excellent service, mademoiselle.” Regret flickered across Lord Marchand’s face. “As well as for your mother’s,” he added with surprising tenderness. “Therefore, my request that you be placed with Lord Descantes’ family.”
    “ Merci beaucoup , Lord Marchand.” She coerced a smile, glad that Christophe had confided to her about the Descantes family in the carriage earlier. She remembered having met the couple at a formal dinner once. Lord Descantes, severe in his countenance, was in fact most kind, and his wife his equal in that regard. “I’m greatly indebted to you for using your influence for my benefit.”
    Lord Marchand held up a hand. “It is not only my influence that gained you the position, but also Monsieur Charvet’s. He put his own reputation on the line when he recommended you. You may be naïve to the ways of parliament, but no doubt you are aware of agreements made between alliances.”
    She nodded.
    “Negotiations are reached, deals are struck and sealed, all with a single handshake. Nothing more. The integrity of a man’s word is the binding force of that contract. Nothing need be written because the man’s reputation, the man himself, is the guarantee. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
    “Certainly, your lordship,” she answered. Whatever had transpired, the position with the Descantes family would be binding. If she chose not to work for them, there would be no other position for her, and it would compromise both Lord Marchand’s and Christophe’s reputations.
    “You’re a bright young woman, Mademoiselle Girard. It is one of the reasons I handpicked you to be companion to my daughter all those years ago. Francette never had much initiative on her own. I think it partly due to the loss of her mother at such a young age, but I also blame myself. As her only parent, I gave her too much,

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