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Book: Remembered Read Free
Author: Tamera Alexander
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purposefully set you at naught. You extend grace where none is due. . . .” He grew more serious. “And you, along with your dear maman , have always given the Marchand household the best of service, regardless of Madame Marchand’s ill temper and demanding disposition. The ungrateful, aging . . .”
    Her eyes widened at the name he assigned to Madame Marchand, but she would’ve been lying if she denied having thought the same thing on occasion.
    They rounded the corner and she spotted one of Lord Marchand’s carriages waiting near the entrance. She had walked the two-mile distance that morning, enjoying the time to think—and to be out from under Madame Marchand’s scrutiny. “Is Lord Marchand’s requested meeting so urgent, Christophe?”
    He kept his focus trained ahead.
    The seriousness in his expression caused her smile to fade. “Has something happened?”
    He aided her ascent into the carriage, climbed in beside her, and rapped the side of the door; the driver responded.
    Véronique wanted to press the matter but held her tongue. Pressuring Christophe had never met with success. Quite the opposite, in fact.
    The driver merged the carriage onto a main thoroughfare and chose an avenue running adjacent to the Musée du Louvre and the Seine. The river arched through the center of town, its dark waters murky and pungent from the daily deluge of rituals from the city’s inhabitants.
    Véronique pushed back the velvet curtain from the window to allow movement of air within the carriage, aware of the shadow stealing across Christophe’s face.
    He leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs. “There are things I must say to you, and I ask that you allow me due course, ma chérie , before you offer response.” He glanced back at her. “Or I fear I will not be able to complete my task.”
    His tone held unaccustomed solemnity, which provided ample motivation to fulfill his request. Wordless, Véronique nodded.
    “Within hours Emperor Napoleon is to declare war on Prussia. Lord Marchand has secretly received word that Prussia is mobilizing an army even now. No doubt they’re finding Spain a willing alliance. Lord Marchand—” The carriage came to an abrupt halt. Christophe glanced out the window before continuing, his voice lowered. “Lord Marchand predicts the dispute will be far reaching. Already our patron has made plans to depart for Brussels within the week, and . . . I am to accompany him. His entire family will be journeying with him as well.”
    Suddenly the reason behind Christophe’s reticence became clear. She gently touched his arm. “I don’t want to leave Paris, Christophe, now of all times. But if—” The carriage jolted forward, and resumed its pace. “But if Brussels is where the family must go, then I’ll happily accompany Madame Marchand. I’m certain it won’t be for long, and that this . . . blow our country has suffered will be quickly resolved.”
    He nodded just as the carriage jolted forward, then resumed its pace.
    The look he gave her made her feel like a naïve schoolgirl. “It’s not that simple, Véronique, for many reasons.”
    The lines of his brow deepened, and she sought to ease his worry.
    “I’ll be fine. The trip to Brussels might even be good for me. And once we return everything will be—”
    “Madame Marchand has informed our patron that she has no plans for you to accompany her.”
    His voice came out flat and final, and Véronique felt as though someone had suddenly cinched her corset two sizes smaller. She tried to draw breath. “But I . . . I don’t understand.” She shook her head. “I’m . . . her companion.”
    Christophe’s eyes narrowed. “I’ve been informed that . . . Madame Marchand has already arranged for a new companion to escort her to Brussels.”
    Véronique moved her lips but no words would come.
    The carriage turned onto the cobbled road leading to the Marchand estate.
    The discovery of her reduced rank—whatever her

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