cave. The Menehune's took me in and to me they are like family now. I step outside hoping to see Adam; hoping to hear news that he knows how to help Kai. Instead I find Paul. Paul is one of the Menehune's messenger boys. He helped send messages to my father when I was in hiding. It’s extremely dark outside so I flip on the patio light switch to get a better look at him. I gasp! I couldn’t tell in the dark but now in the light I can see that he’s hurt. He looks like he’s been beaten! He’s standing on my patio shaking like a leaf covered in scratches and contusions and he has a black eye beginning to form on his right eye. “EEeemma....” He says, shaking and stuttering. “Paul, are you okay?!” I ask freaking out. He starts shaking his head back and forth wildly. “Nooo... He’s ggot hiiim. He...liiike Kkkai bbuttt nnottt liiikke Kkaii.” I can barely understand him he’s stuttering so badly. “He won’ttt sstop till hee hass it...” “Got who? Has what Paul?” I’m starting to get angry, not because I can’t understand him, but because something, someone, did this to him. An innocent Menehune boy! “Tthe Chhieefs bbbones.” He says and then looks at me with tears streaming down his face. “Hhee hhas Aadamm!” I suck in a quick breath. “No!” Nausea wells up in my stomach as feelings of despair set in. "Adam? What do you mean he has Adam?" "Iii ddonnt knooww. I meeaan heee hass hiimm." Paul is shaking so hard that I fear he may fall down and begin seizing or something. "Okay Paul, it's going to be okay. You’re safe now. Here, sit down." I gesture him to a patio chair. He sits down but it doesn't seem to be helping. I jump when I hear someone walking up the steps to my patio behind us. Looking around for some sort of weapon to defend off any ‘would be attacker’ I grab a broom that's perched against the railing and turn around. Relief washes through me when I find two Menehune's ascending towards us. I recognize them, but I don't believe we have formally met. Their faces are filled with concern and uncertainty as they brush past me hastily towards their friend. "Paul! Oh my goodness, Paul, what happened?" One of the Menehunes with reddish brown hair exclaims. The other Menehune with bright white hair just stands there staring at Paul wide eyed. I'm sure they are not used to seeing any Menehune's hurt. The Menehune's seem like such peaceful people. I can see that Paul is having a hard time trying to communicate so I speak for him. "He's hurt pretty badly. He said that someone has Adam and I think whoever that someone is, hurt Paul." "What do you mean someone has Adam?" The Menehune that had been silent up until now spoke up. "I think he said it was Kai, or someone who looked like Kai. I believe it may be his twin brother. I don't know." I reply. Kai's twin brother Kao is the Night Marcher who tried to kill me. Kao may look nearly identical to Kai but he's nothing like him. He's pure evil through and through. "I know who you speak of. Kai has told me the story of his brother. He is a very dangerous man, not one to be taken lightly. We must get Paul back immediately and bring this to the attention of the Elders." The white haired Menehune says. Without waiting for my response they both pull Paul to his feet. Paul puts his arms around each of their shoulders ready to head home. He looks so frail and small as he starts hobbling off towards the exit from my patio to the beach. "Wait!" I yell at them. The white haired Menehune turns his head towards me. While I have his attention I ask, "Aren't you going to go after Adam? We can't wait, we need to go now." I say insistently. His look is mixed with understanding and sadness. "I wish I could go in search of Adam, we just don’t have a definitive location as of now. I must consult with the others. You see that we are a small race. It wouldn’t do any good for us to go up against a man such as Kao alone, if we were even able to