by—and the cost of this folly? Your son, our ability to negotiate, and public humiliation.” She paused and emphasized, “I tell you, time is running out.”
“What are your orders, Madam Chairman?”
“Now that you’ve finally incarcerated most of their senior resistance leaders, Valax, I want them broken immediately so we can end this foolishness. I want this planet to submit to our will, our ways, once and for all,” the chairman repeated, and let her almost-yellow eyes settle on each face around the table before continuing. “No more second chances. If Gantharat had not been rich in valuable natural resources and an abundant labor force, I would have recommended to the Emperor that we destroy every living being on it. If this situation does not resolve itself quickly, I may still make that recommendation.”
Andreia’s heart hammered. She could hardly believe her own ears. Is she serious? After we’ve practically raped and plundered this planet, using its people as our workforce, she wants to kill off the cheap labor? Andreia dug her blunt nails into the data-filer in her hands. This surprise meeting proved to be harder on her self-restraint than she’d anticipated. She could see the keen intellect and callous assessment in M’Ocresta’s eyes as she sat casually rolling the Garmawood pearls of her necklace between her fingers.
“I don’t believe that will be necessary, Madam Chairman,” Andreia said, keeping her voice cool and unaffected. “As you yourself have noted, we have captured a large majority of the traitors. The ones that remain at large are inconsequential. They are less resourceful, more like mindless children that we can mold to our will with the right types of propaganda and incentives.”
“I have noticed your recent successes, Andreia. They are the only bright points I’ve seen in recent times,” M’Ocresta stated. “So you think we can mend the rift between us and the Constellations?”
“I do. It was unfortunate that the SC spies obtained sensitive materials from the O’Dals’ farm, but if we launch a successful information campaign, we can discredit the find as well as the boy’s heredity. As for Kellen O’Dal’s claim about him and the occupation, we must do the same. If we overreact, her story gains credence, which we must avoid. I say let the SC pay us a visit. We have nothing to hide. All they will find are obedient children loyal to Onotharat,” Andreia heard herself say, accompanied by sharp intakes of breath from the others around the table. No one ever contradicted the chairman.
“An interesting take on the matter,” M’Ocresta agreed calmly, and smiled. “I’ve always appreciated your candor, Andreia. You remind me of myself in my youth,” she said, and patted her data-filer. “Words are your weapons and you wield them well to keep the Gantharians at bay. Doubtless this method of yours helped us capture the rebels. A useful talent that I may apply with the SC. I will think about what you have said.” Villia M’Ocresta gracefully rose from the chair. “In the meantime would you care to join me in an early evening meal with representatives of the Commercial Lobby and their president?”
“Certainly, Chairman M’Ocresta,” Andreia replied. “I’d be delighted.”
“Very well. I’ll see you in…” M’Ocresta turned to her assistant, who checked his chronometer. “Ninety minutes then. I believe we’re meeting at the president’s residence. Do you know where it is?”
“Yes, Madam Chairman.” The reply came out curt and almost rude, but Andreia didn’t care. The invitation helped make this day one of her worst so far.
“Until then.” M’Ocresta left the room, her entourage in tow. Most of the others followed, leaving Andreia alone with her parents and the provisional Prime Minister of Gantharat.
“What were you thinking?” Le’Tinia scolded. “Do you know how close you came to irreversibly offending the most influential and