on the phone as she crossed the street, laughing.
Peter's heart warmed, though Cai didn't seem happy to see her.
She turned down the street, walking toward Peter. She seemed startled to see him, and quickly ended her phone call.
"So you found me," she said as she came up.
"Huh?" Peter asked, then pressed his lips together. So smooth, Romeo.
"What, did you follow me?" Tamara asked, angry now, indicating the apartment buildings.
"Wait, you live here? Really? I didn't know, I swear," Peter said. "I was just walking home from the store." He hefted his bags at her. "With my groceries."
"You weren't waiting here for me?" Tamara said, eyes narrowed, still glaring.
"No! I wasn't! I swear!" Peter assured her.
Cai grumbled louder, pushing forward images of nest , home .
"Look, I know you said you were sensitive about where you lived. I'm sorry. I really wasn't trying to find out," Peter added. "I gotta get going before the ice cream melts. I'll see you later."
After Peter had turned to go, Tamara asked, "Did you buy dinner?"
Peter looked over his shoulder at her. "Nope." Hope pounded in his chest. Maybe he hadn't screwed everything up completely.
" Wanna take me out for Indian food?"
"Sure!" Peter said enthusiastically. "Should I pick you up here?"
Tamara stilled at that. "Okay," she said after a pause. "6:30?"
"I'llâI'll be back then. See you."
" Laters ."
Peter picked up the pace as he started walking home again.
Cai sent the image of marbles.
"Later," Peter said.
After food.
Cat .
"There's no cat," Peter mumbled, rolling his eyes.
After Peter got back to his apartment and put away his groceries, he went and got the bowl of marbles and rolled them, one by one, through the late afternoon sunshine. The light refracted off the centers, and bright splinters danced around the room. Cai cawed and swung Peter's head around, following them.
But then Cai made Peter pick one up and rub it between his fingers.
Shiny. Smooth.
Hard , came Cai's response. Cold .
Shiny , Peter said, rolling it through the sunshine.
Cai fluffed up his feathers and retreated again.
* * *
Peter had expected Tamara to be waiting for him outside her apartment building, but she invited him upstairs when he rang the door buzzer. Her building was nicer than his: The front entranceway had a chandelier and marble floors, and taking up one entire wall was an old photograph of the building, from 1909, when it had just been built.
The stairs going up were wide, covered in navy blue carpeting. The banister gleamed as if it had just been polished, and smelled like lemon oil. Tamara's hallway had huge ceilings and showed a bit more wear from people moving in and out, a few scuffmarks on the ivory paint.
Tamara's apartment was like out of an old-fashioned movie. Rich red and blue drapes hung from the ceiling and were tacked up on the walls, like a tent. Fat pillows of all colors covered the couch, the floor, the chairs, and even the kitchen counter. Instead of lamps, votive candles burned on the table and along the windowsill, making the rooms seem even more closed-in. The smell of patchouli incense lingered in the humid air. Though it was as warm as Peter's apartment, he left his heavy leather jacket on.
"I'll be just a minute," Tamara told Peter, leaving him in the living room while she went into the back.
"I was thinking maybe we could go out dancing afterward," Peter called. "If you want to. Since it's our second date and all." He grinned.
Cai just buried himself further down, curling in on himself, turning his back toward Peter, as if he was mad about something.
Tamara came out after a moment. "You do realize that you and I, we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend."
"Why not?" Peter asked, startled.
Cai suddenly unfurled and stirred.
"You really are so young," Tamara commented.
"So?" Peter asked, stung. What did that have to do with anything?
Suddenly, Tamara was right there, in front of Peter. Peter stumbled back, tripping