had put them in a suite, and not a double room. She had her own bedroom, her own en suite, and privacy. The last she cherished at the moment, as it allowed her time alone with her thoughts.
Last night had been more than electrifying, it had been illuminating. She’d always wondered how people could get “carried away” and end up having sex without even thinking. She’d been married twenty years, had birthed three children, so she’d had sex. But it had always been a deliberate, planned act.
Now, however, she understood. Another moment, another kiss in those shadows last night and she’d have been rolling naked on the sand with Alex.
He seemed intent that they would be lovers soon. She thought he could be right.
Who would have ever guessed that I could be horny? A giggle escaped her lips, and although no one could hear through her closed bedroom door, she covered her mouth. Horny? She’d been so hot, for the first time in her life she’d soaked her panties.
She hadn’t traveled half a world away to indulge in a vacation fling. The idea had never crossed her mind. But now it hadn’t just crossed her mind, it had settled in to roost.
Alex had invited her to go sailing today, and she’d accepted. They’d sat and shared drinks last night in the lounge, and she had enjoyed every moment spent with him. He’d listen to her and responded in a way that made her feel her thoughts and opinions were important. Though they came from different backgrounds, different parts of the world, they’d connected. She wasn’t fooling herself into thinking this the beginning of any grand romance. But an affair—and how odd for her to even think in those terms—was definitely a possibility. Why not?
She’d spent her life always meeting her responsibilities, denying herself. Whenever there had been a moment to choose between what she wanted to do and what she ought to do, her wants had always taken a backseat. And now, far from home, in the most exotic of locales, a handsome, intriguing, sexy man wanted to…well, he wanted to fuck her.
She giggled some more, her other hand joining the first over her mouth. She had never had thoughts like these in her entire life! And really, wasn’t that a damn shame? Seriously, Hannah thought wildly, she wanted to fuck him, too.
Turning her head she checked the bedside clock. She had plenty of time to shower, and have breakfast with Catharine and Jamie before it would be time to meet Alex. She would stop at that small boutique off the main lobby on the way to the dining room and see if she could buy a box of condoms, first.
* * * *
“Mom, do you have a headache?”
“No, sweetheart. Why would you ask?”
Catharine tilted her head slightly and looked hard at her mother. Now that she thought about it, her mother had been acting a bit, well, peculiar since she’d emerged from her bedroom, showered and ready to get started on the day.
“You made a detour to the drug store. I thought you had a headache and needed aspirin.”
Something’s going on here, Catharine thought, for her mother seemed nervous, and the same light pink color that had graced her cheeks the evening before bloomed there now.
The waiter delivered their glasses of juice, and in the next instant a tall man appeared at her mother’s elbow. Catharine recognized him as the same “sinfully sexy man” her mother had pointed out the evening before.
“I hope you will forgive the intrusion, my dear Hannah. I didn’t want to wait until later to begin our time together.”
The soft inflection in the man’s voice made Catharine’s eyes go wide.
“Oh. Well. Of course. Ah, Catharine, Jamie, this is Mr. Cross. Alex, my daughter Catharine Jones, and my grandson Jamie.”
Catharine nearly gasped when Alex picked up her hand, kissed it, and murmured something that sounded like Enchante . She didn’t take it personally, though, for she could see Alex’s attention was completely on her