“Ah, the age when the line between adolescence and adulthood blurs.”
“Yes. I know he’s alive, somewhere. I really believe I’d feel it, deep inside, if he weren’t. Just as I believe that when the time is right—when he’s ready—he’ll come home.”
They had reached the end of the bathing beach, nearly beyond the reach of the lights. Alex wanted to extend this interlude. It wasn’t late, not even eleven. He wondered how to convince Hannah to join him for a nightcap in the lounge. A fresh breeze came ashore, and she shivered.
“Allow me.” Alex slipped off his suit jacket, and draped it across her shoulders. Touching her so innocently, even insulated as that touch was by his jacket, filled him with a sudden urge.
She must have sensed his intention, he thought, for she looked up, her eyes widening.
“Yes, I’m going to kiss you, Hannah.”
“I’ve never kissed on a first date.”
“This isn’t a date.”
“Good point.”
He was smiling when he took her mouth. Warm, sweet, the taste of her sailed right to his groin. Hard for the first time in a long time, it took every bit of will at his command not to raise her skirt. What he'd intended as a gentle, friendly kiss turned into something more. Something deeper, more instinctual. His tongue invaded, plundered and possessed. He felt the strength go out of her legs, and gathered her closer. Her own tongue, shy for the first moment, became as sweetly bold as he could have wished. When he gathered her closer, she wrapped herself around him. The pebbles of her hardened nipples teased him through several layers of clothing. He knew then she had become as hotly and instantly aroused as he. Emboldened, one hand left her back to touch and caress her breasts. When her nipples peaked even more, when she gasped and pushed herself into his hand, he dared more. Reaching for the buttons of her blouse, he opened three. His hand teased newly exposed flesh, his fingers danced across the mound of her breast, and he yearned for much, much more.
He shook with desire when he broke the kiss, every logical, controlled thought gone from his head, and he pinched her nipple lightly when he said, “I want to be inside you.”
He heard the longing, and the tiniest bit of fear in that one syllable of his name. Unable to deny himself this one pleasure, he bent his head and gently pulling down the top of her bra, drew her right nipple into his mouth. Her heard her soft cry, and reveled in the way she pushed herself into his mouth even deeper. Knowing if he didn’t stop he’d take her right then and there, he let her go. Holding her close, he spoke soft and low.
“It may sound like a line Hannah, but I swear, I’ve not been with a woman since my wife died. I haven’t wanted to. But I need to be with you.” He couldn’t help the pure male reaction of pressing his erection against the apex of her thighs. He swore he could feel the lips of her pussy opening, even through the layers of clothing, his and hers, that separated their flesh.
“I believe you. Because I feel the same way. But we have to stop, Alex. It’s too soon.”
He didn't agree or deny her words, not wanting to acknowledge the truth of them when his body told him differently. He couldn't. Instead, he said, “Come, we’ll go where there are others, where we must behave ourselves, and we’ll have a drink. I’m not ready for my time with you to end.” He stepped back and re-buttoned her blouse. Then, quickly, he cupped her face and kissed her gently.
“And while we sip our drinks, we’ll talk about the where and the when. But not the ‘if’. Because I’m going to have you, Hannah. We’re going to have each other.”
Chapter 2
When she opened her eyes, she thought it might have been a dream. But as the haze of sleep faded, the heat of arousal returned, and she knew it had really happened.
Hannah sat up in bed and hugged her knees to her chest. Good thing the resort