been tough and bloody. But the company’s ranks had finally broken under the onslaught, forcing the handful of survivors to retreat. They fell back from the breached gates and dashed for refuge. Behind them, the savage creatures poured in on a wave of fear and destruction.
Sprinting across the parade ground the five headed for a barracks block, a building of wood and stone, windowless and with a single door. They piled in and frantically barricaded the entrance with cots and lockers. Outside, the commotion carried on.
“This is one hell of a bolt-hole,” an infantrymen complained. “There’s no way out of here.” He was near the edge and, like the others, sweat-sheened and breathing hard.
“I don’t get it,” a comrade said. “These animals are supposed to be docile.”
” another retorted. “Like hell!”
“What we going to do?” the fourth wanted to know.
Get a grip
,” their captain told them, doing her best to sound calm. “There’ll be support. We just need to sit tight.”
“Reinforcements, ma’am?” the first queried. “It’ll be a while before we see any out here on the fringes.”
“The more reason to stand firm. Now let’s get those wounds seen to. And stay alert!”
They ripped up bedding for dressings and set to binding their injuries. Their captain got them checking their weapons, and scouring the barracks for more. She had them further reinforce the door. Anything to keep them occupied.
,” one of the troopers said, halting the activity. “It’s gone really quiet out there.”
They listened to the silence.
“Could be they’ve gone,” a comrade offered, instinctively whispering.
“Maybe the backup’s arrived,” somebody added hopefully.
“So why can’t we hear
“Just the sight of reinforcements coming might’ve scared the creatures off.”
“Care for a wager on that?”
“Stow it!” the captain snapped. “Chances are the raiders have pulled out. All we have to do ��”
A series of heavy thumps shook the door. They scrambled to it and threw their weight against the barricade. The pounding grew stronger, making the pile of furniture blocking it shudder. Fine clouds of dust began falling from the beamed ceiling.
Something hit the door with a tremendous crash, the shock wave jolting the defenders and sending part of the barricade tumbling. They hardly had time to brace themselves again before there was a second hefty impact. A cabinet toppled. Something made of pottery shattered.
The blows took on a regular, almost rhythmic pattern, each more jarring than the last. The door started to warp and splinter. The remains of their makeshift fortifications were weakening under the assault.
We… can’t hold… this!
” a straining trooper warned.
A battering ram smashed through the door, demolishing what was left of the barricade. Swinging again, the ram destroyed the vestiges of the door and sent debris flying.
The troopers quickly moved away. Save one, caught in the confined space and entangled by wreckage. There was a high-pitched whistle. An arrow flashed through the gaping entranceway and struck him. Two more instantly followed. He went down.
His companions retreated, weapons drawn, and backed along the aisle between the lines of camp beds on either side. Shadowy figures were swarming through the ruined entrance. Ugly, grotesque beasts. Monsters.
The soldiers upended cots and tossed them in their pursuers’ path, hoping to slow their progress. A couple of the troopers had shields and deployed them in fear of more arrows. No arrows came, but the repellent creatures kept up their remorseless advance, leaping the obstacles or simply kicking them aside.
Soon the fleeing group came to the barracks’ end, an area uncluttered with furnishings, and had no option but to make a stand. They gathered in a knot, backs to the wall, bracing themselves to brave the coming assault as best they could.
There was no let in the
Allie Pleiter, Lorraine Beatty