we looked natural, we were allowed to slap on some foundation and mascara before class. On weekends and during social events, they didn’t really have an opinion on it. I applied thin lines of black liquid eyeliner, making the wings at the edge of each eye sharp, but delicate.
“ What are you wearing?” Lisa asked as she curled her lashes, “You’d better not say jeans.”
“ I was thinking of putting on an old potato sack, and some leather biker boots. How does that sound?”
“ You’re hilarious,” she said, “But, seriously, what are you going to wear?”
I set down my blood red lipstick, feeling that I looked a little vampiric with such a bold colour against my pale skin, and quite liking the idea. I held up pair of black pressed trousers and a white blouse with puffed shoulders, and short sleeves.
“ No.”
“ Yes, actually,” I said, “There’s not going to be enough boys to dance with everyone, so I’ll wear this, and then I can pair up with the girls who’ll be left out.”
“ Or,” Lisa went to Chrissy’s trunk, and pulled out a pretty white gown, “You could wear this!”
“ I’d rather die,” I said. I set my desired outfit down on the bed, knowing that it would have to do for a different occasion. Damn it. It wasn’t really a dress, but I managed to find a tartan mini skirt in my luggage, and a black vest top. I’d be mocked into the next week for not dressing like a princess, but I’d get over it. I held them up and asked, “Does this meet your approval, your majesty?”
“ God, fine. But you’ll be the only one not dressed up.”
“ I can cope with that.”
As it happened, I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t made much effort.
While all the girls were ready for a high society fashion show, the boys clearly hadn’t received the memo about the dress code. Their idea of casual was jeans, and some variation of a shirt. So, at least they were half way presentable.
That was better than I’d managed.
I linked arms with Jenny, who was angelic as always, and avoided the disapproving stares of my peers as they judged my outfit. I wasn’t in attendance for them, anyway. I wanted to see why Lisa as in such a spin over the new boys. They’d sat apart from us in the morning assembly, and it was hard to pick out one or two attractive faces from a sea of students. Plus, with so many girls raising themselves out of their seats to get a good look, I’d given it up as being too much trouble.
“ It looks like it’s just a couple of classes so far,” Jenny observed as she casually glanced around the room, “And they’re all younger than us.”
“ Lisa won’t be happy,” I said, “She does like them older.”
“ Well,” Jenny looked again, “I see a couple who look about our age. But they’re definitely outnumbered.”
“ They must be enjoying themselves.”
“ Beth, they’re probably terrified. I would be if we were in their position.”
“ But we’re girls, and they’re boys.”
“ Excuse me,” one of the forbidden creatures stopped us. Jenny and I turned to look at him, gaping, and unable to think why he’d dare to address us of all people. He was pretty cute, with fair hair, and a handsome smile. It was a nervous expression he wore, but still attractive. The boy greeted, “Hi, I’m Charlie.”
“ Beth,” I said, “And this is Jenny. Nice to meet you. Can - uh - can we help you with something?”
“ Well,” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “Look, I’m not good at dancing or anything. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? The girls are kind of -”
“ Crazy? Clingy? Frightening? Forward? Out to claim your for their own?” I asked.
“ All of the above,” he laughed, clearly relieved to have found a couple of normal people, “It’s a little overwhelming.”
“ Then,” I made a show of bowing to him, “Allow us to be