Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two

Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two Read Free Page A

Book: Olympus Device 2: The Olympus Device Book Two Read Free
Author: Joe Nobody
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure
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Dusty flashed the young man his roll of bills to emphasize his point.
    “ I’m very sorry, but the hotel is very strict where this policy is concerned, sir.”
    Both Grace and Dusty protested the requirement until the manager was summoned to the front desk. She was a middle-aged, attractive lady who obviously understood customer service and the needs of weary travelers.
    After listening to the couple’s tale of woe concerning lost luggage, rude airline employees, and a black cloud that seemed to be following them around, the manager’s face brightened with an idea. “Have you considered a pre-loaded credit card? It takes only minutes to acquire one. It has to be safer than carrying around all of that cash anyway. You can easily purchase one right up the street.”
    Dusty thought about the new identity delivered by the Russian. “But I’m Canadian; I don’t think I qualify for a U.S. credit card.”
    “Oh, there’ s no qualification,” she assured him. “I buy them for gifts all the time. The credit card company won’t even know your name or what country you’re from.”
    Dusty turned to Grace and shrugged, “Can’t hurt to try. Might come in handy.”
    She glanced toward the front door and frowned, “Our cab is already gone.”
    “No problem,” chimed in the manager. “We have a shuttle service. I can have Danny run you down to the store right away. You’ll be back in 15 minutes.”
    Grace stared longingly at the plush lounge chairs scattered around the lobby. “I’ll stay here with our shopping bags and your duffle. Don’t be too long.”
    Danny drove the courtesy car to the same retail giant Dusty had recognized during the cab ride. The gunsmith entered the massive space and was soon directed to the pre-paid card display. What he saw amazed him.
    There were hundreds of options covering everything from coffeehouses to national fast food chains. He finally found the generic MasterCard and Visa section, quickly focusing on the brand recommended by the hotel’s manager.
    As he stood in line at the register, Dusty realized it was the first time the rail gun had been out of his possession since he’d left home to visit his brother in College Station. It was an odd feeling, almost as if he wasn’t fully dressed. He didn’t like the sensation.
    When it was his turn, he handed the clerk three of the cards. As the small packages were scanned, the clerk inquired, “Do you want to load any funds onto these?”
    “Sure. Is there any limit how much?”
    “I can load a maximum of $500 per card, but you can go online and set them up just like a checking account and add more money whenever you choose.”
    “ Hmmmm,” he remarked while stroking his chin as if in deep thought. “Well, I have never actually bought one of these and am not sure what is best. Maybe you can give me a little advice. You see, I’m buying these as gifts. If I put funds onto these cards, will my nieces and nephews be able to access the money?”
    “Anyone can use them. There’s no name or I D required. They make great presents, and if they get lost, there’s a toll-free number you can call to cancel and get a new card reissued.”
    “Spl endid,” Dusty replied. “Please load the maximum on each card.”
    The clerk’s eyebrows shot up. “But sir, you do realize I can only do that with cash?” she questioned.
    “No problem.”
    The lady laughed, “Could you adopt me into your family? If you need any more nieces or nephews, that is.”
    A short time later, Grace and Dusty swiped a plastic keycard to enter the fifth floor room, the opulence of the accommodations immediately obvious, the space impressive and well designed for comfort. Plush carpeting, a huge master bed, expansive bathroom, and tasteful appointments made both of them smile and relax. The view of the marina added to the calming effect. Dusty noted the coffeemaker.
    “I’ve got first dibs on the shower,” Grace announced, balancing on her tiptoes to kiss him on

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